Chapter 9- False Hope

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Warning: verbal abuse, abandonment issues, feelings of being unwanted
The rest of the day went by quite smoothly. You and Madonna had spent the majority of it cuddled up in bed after the events of the morning. Neither of you had brought up the confrontation after she had returned to the room from speaking with her daughters. She acted the way she always did around you, nuzzling you, kissing you, giving you the words of affirmation she knew you loved... until after dinner.  The dinner itself seemed to have gone smoothly. Everyone was sat at the table, full of playful banter and conversation. Sure, there were the occasional disapproving looks from Anastasia and Drizella that Madonna shot down with a wordless glare, but other than that, everything seemed fine.

Which is why you don't understand why she's acting so differently now. The second the two of you stepped into your room, she seemed more reserved, almost cold and cruel, as she used to be. She wouldn't look in your eyes, and she pushed you away when you tried to hold her. You feared you had done something wrong, and you finally decide to see what's happening here.

"My love, what's going on? You haven't said one word to me since dinner."

"Don't call me that." she snaps.

You were taken aback by her out of the blue statement. She's never switched up on you like this. Now you're certain you've done something wrong...

"What do you mean? I always call you that... Have I done someth-"

"You believed them, didn't you?"  She interrupts.  "My daughters. You believed them when they told you our relationship wouldn't work out."

"I never once said I believed them. What makes you think that?"  You feel a sense of dread creeping up on you, but you try your hardest not to let it show.

Madonna scoffs.  "I could tell that you felt like you were walking on eggshells all day after you heard me confront them. Being overly close to me, giving me loads of attention, you even spoke to me softer than usual. Almost like you were terrified to strike a nerve."

'I always do those things. It had nothing to do with that."

'I don't want your excuses. I don't want any doubts."  She now has a look of pure hatred on her face as she speaks her next words.  "I want you to leave. And it's best that you don't come back." she snarls.

You can't help but tear up as you hear the distaste those words hold.  Surely she doesn't mean it...

"But why can't you-"

"Don't you understand? I don't want you anymore!"

Those are the words that hit you like a freight train. You've always been terrified of someone telling you that you aren't wanted. Madonna knows this, and pulled the most hurtful words out of left field.

You let out a silent sob while Madonna's face remains unchanged. You don't waste a second more before storming out of the room without a single look back.  You make your way out of the house into the pouring rain.

"Great..." you mutter tearfully as you break into a gentle run down the next couple blocks until you reach your quaint little home. It has been vacant since you moved in with Madonna about 3 weeks ago, but luckily you own it, so rent was never an issue. You take your key and fumble with the lock as your tears and the rain combined cloud your vision. You finally open the door and slam it shut, locking it before heading to your room.  You can't even be bothered to change out of your drenched clothes as you immediately sprawl onto your cold, empty bed.

You've cried yourself to sleep before many times, and tonight would be no different. Your only wish before you finally succumb to your exhaustion is that this was all a horrible dream...

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