Part - IV

757 48 0

3rd Nov, 2023

Sasuke woke up, his head pounding. He felt like hell. He looked over at the naked woman in bed with him, and felt his skin crawl with revulsion. So this is what a one night stand felt like. He didn't know her name, or anything at all about her. He must have passed out last night after they had sex, because he definitely hadn't been planning on staying the night. His body felt sticky and smelled of sex. It made him think of STDs and other unpleasant things, and he felt his stomach roil. He looked around. At least the bedroom looked clean. Hopefully she didn't have anything contagious. He saw the used condom on the bed. Thank god he'd had the presence of mind to use protection. That was one thing he was pretty sure he would have to be literally passed out drunk to forget to use, given his general dislike of intimacy. He extracted himself from the bed and staggered to her bathroom, locking the door and turning the shower on. He scrubbed himself almost raw under scalding water; there was no way he was getting back into his clothes with her scent still on him. He was glad he had been drunk enough that most of the night was hazy. He tried to shut out thoughts of crabs or herpes that can get transmitted even with a condom. He should have drunk more. Maybe then he would not have woken up sober. Sasuke decided that being sober was the thing he hated most. Second most, he

corrected. Second to Naruto. But it would be worth it. When he had come staggering out of the club with the voluptuous blonde all over him, the paparazzi had been there in full force to capture the moment. He was sure it would be all over the tabloids, if not the mainstream media. He had realized that women were not his taste long ago. They had the wrong shape, wrong sounds and wrong scent. But that had never stopped them from swarming him in the past, and when he had shown up at a popular night club and made it clear he was interested, it had been a fucking feeding frenzy to see who would get to bed him first. And for the first time in his life, he had been grateful for the attention and that all he had to do was just sit there. Because while a drunken sex binge might be slightly looked down on by the business elite, a drunken GAY sex binge could cause his company serious reputational damage. So Sasuke had known that - if he wanted to extract his public revenge on Naruto while coming out of it relatively unscathed - he would have to go with girls. And Sasuke had found that if he drank enough he couldn't really see who he was with or think much beyond the feeling of someone sucking him off or riding his cock, and he could manage to get it up. And right now, that was all that mattered. He wanted it to be front page news that he had moved on, that he was single and reveling in it.

He looked at his reflection in the mirror. Yeah, reveling in it, he thought numbly. There were hickies on his neck, making it clear exactly what he had spent the night doing. To anyone else, he would have appeared classically beautiful and stoic after a night of wild sex. But Sasuke knew better. He was soiled and empty. His theory that he would enjoy sex just as much with someone other than Naruto had been proven hideously wrong. He scrubbed his fingers through his hair. Hopefully it was just women. After a week or two of hitting the major club scenes, maybe he could go to some of the more exclusive gay clubs and find someone he was actually attracted to. But in the meantime, he would just focus on getting his revenge. And he would ignore the hollow feeling inside him.

He couldn't wait until tomorrow in the office. Naruto had been gone when he had returned to the house on Saturday. He hadn't been surprised that the blond hadn't tried to call him over the weekend. Not really. Sasuke hadn't returned the 300 calls that he had left earlier, so clearly Naruto had gotten the message that he was not going to resolve this. But by Monday, if Naruto hadn't already seen the papers, one if their friends would have and called Naruto and told him. Sasuke would get to see how his ex liked having his face rubbed in it. He just had to kill the hours between now and then. He looked at his watch. It was 11am. Oh, well. It was 5pm somewhere. He let himself out of the woman's apartment before she woke up and called his driver, telling him to pick up a bottle of gin and some orange juice on the way. Breakfast of fucking champions.


"He what?" Sasuke glared at Kiba, his head of HR, daring the man to repeat what he had just told him. His head was still pounding from his binge over the weekend. He had hit the clubs again on Sunday night, leaving with a brunette that time, with similar results. Though he had learned from his first experience. He had done a better job of getting himself completely wasted the second time, and had managed to leave before passing out so at least he woke up in his own bed. He had arrived to work an hour late, and severely hung over. Possibly still a little drunk. He decided that was a much better way to operate. The less time he had to actually spend thinking about what he was doing, the better. Kiba was repeating himself, and clearly taking great pleasure in telling him this news.

"Like I said, Naruto told me when he left for work on Friday that he would be taking a leave of absence, and that I should start searching for a head of marketing, head of creative development, and head of business development to take over for him. He dropped off the job descriptions before he left the office. And said that if I had any questions on specific candidates, I should ask you. He also said that if you wanted a COO, you could write that description yourself and have that person manage these other roles so you don't have to deal with so many people."

Normally, Kiba would have been nervous to be so blunt with him. After all, Sasuke was his boss. But he had seen the destroyed look on Naruto's face when Sasuke had served him with divorce papers in the office. He had watched the man he had admired slowly crumble to pieces and fall apart over the week that Sasuke had been off on his business trip. And he had seen the complete despair in blue eyes that had always glowed with life and happiness when he had told Kiba to look for his replacement. And right now, Kiba didn't give a flying fuck if his other boss was pissed at him. Because Kiba was pissed at Sasuke. And so was the rest of the office. They had seen the tabloids over the weekend.

Of the two co-owners, everyone knew that Naruto was 'the nice one'. He was funny, creative, energetic, and genuinely cared about their employees. He was personal friends with everyone in the office, and new everything about their families, talents, and aspirations. He took on the de facto role of the three functions that Kiba had just laid out for the organization. Sasuke handled the business, finance, and PR side of things. As well as any mergers or acquisitions that the company made. The employees respected Sasuke, and either feared or lusted over the man. Often both. And one of his main redeeming traits that kept him from being labeled a complete asshole was the obvious love that Sasuke showed for Naruto. Whenever Sasuke started to go off on someone, Naruto would infallibly walk in and snake an arm around the man's waist and nuzzle his neck, and Sasuke would roll his eyes in apparent annoyance but his face would soften and the crisis would be over. They would see the soft looks that the stoic, dark-haired man would send the blond when he thought no one was looking. And it made him seem human. They were the perfect pair, and together the organization ran like a machine.

But now it was all falling apart.



I'll try not to make it lengthy like my other stories. Well, don't forget to check out them as well 😉
I'll be back soon with the new chapter..
Take care and stay healthy and hydrated. love you all 🥰❤️

Cr: NaruLove11
Dt - 03/11/2023 - 13:50
1492 words

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