Part - XXIV

608 44 5

9th Nov, 2023

The next morning, Sasuke knocked on Naruto's door. He had told his assistant to cancel all his meetings for the day. Right now, nothing was more important than this. He wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. Two years ago he had been too afraid of the truth to talk to Naruto directly when it happened. This time, he would not give up without having everything fully out in the open. If it didn't work out, it didn't work out, but it was not going to be because he was too afraid to even try.

He knocked again. No one answered. "Naruto - we need to talk. If you're in there, open the damn door. I'm not going away until you do."

Silence. Sasuke looked up and down the hall, but no one was out. He turned the knob, and was surprised to find the door open. "Naruto, we need to talk. He repeated, and walked in to the entryway. There was no sound; no sign of anyone home at all. He noticed the broken chair against the wall and winced. He drew a breath and walked through the apartment, a little concerned that Naruto appeared not to be home, but had left the place open. "Usuratonkachi - you should be more careful."

Naruto had never been one to make his bed, so he couldn't tell from that if Naruto had spent the night here or not, but the shower was dry, and Naruto always showered when he woke up. Evidently, he had left sometime after their fight last night. Sasuke's gut clenched as he thought about where Naruto might have gone. He hoped like hell it wasn't to Yahiko. Sasuke locked Naruto's door and pulled it closed behind him.

Sasuke had looked everywhere. He had swung by the office, and asked Kiba and Shikamaru if they had seen Naruto. Their shocked expressions had indicated that they didn't even know he was back in town. Next he had tried the Onyx, but that didn't open until later in the evening. Finally he had gone to the art gallery. Naruto wasn't there, but Yahiko was. He saw Sasuke walk in, and his eyes immediately narrowed in recognition. Not friendly recognition.

Yahiko waited silently for Sasuke to walk over to him, making no move to rise or greet him. "Can I help you?" His tone made it clear he would rather help Sasuke back out the door.

"I need to find Naruto."

"Why?" Yahiko asked, completely ignoring the icy glare that Sasuke leveled at him.

"There are things he and I need to talk about," Sasuke said stiffly. He hated this. Hated having to ask someone else where Naruto was. As though anyone could ever know Naruto better than he did. He felt a dark emotion bubble in him as he looked at the pierced man in front of him.

"It's funny that you decide you need to talk things out' with him now, after all this time. Right when he's finally moving on."

"I don't need to explain myself to you"

"I guess that's true. I'm not Naruto's keeper. But I am his friend. And that bruise on your jaw tells me he doesn't want to talk with you."

Sasuke shrugged. "You don't know what happened." There was a question he needed to ask this man, but he was unsure he was gong to like the answer. "What are you to him?"

"I'm his friend," Yahiko said flatly.

"Friend?" Sasuke asked, sneering the word.

"Well, since you clearly already seem to know, I suppose it is no secret. We've known each other less than two months, but... after last weekend I guess you could say we're more than just friends. Not that it is any of your business any longer. Naruto doesn't talk about it, but I saw the news from two years ago. I know exactly what you did..." Yahiko smiled sadistically at Sasuke. "... and I can guess why you are trying so hard to 'talk' to him now. You must have found out by your own experience what an incredible lover he is, compared to the rest, right? I've been around, but fuck, sex with Naruto is amazing. I mean... talk about stamina. We went all weekend."

Sasuke clenched his fists, "Don't talk about Naruto like he's your plaything."

"What, you don't like hearing about the sexual exploits of your ex? Funny. You made fucking sure he got to hear all about yours."

Sasuke didn't drop his eyes. "And that's between Naruto and me. I'll accept his judgment. But you are just a bystander. I've been a part of Naruto's life since the beginning. You're just a bit part in this play. Don't over estimate your role."

"Don't over estimate yours," Yahiko shot back, totally unintimidated. "Maybe your scene is over. Don't be surprised if you go to him and he tells you the curtain has already fallen on the two of you. Be fully prepared for him to tell you to stay the fuck out of his life."

Sasuke's gut twisted. Would Naruto say that? Would it really be too late? It might be... and honestly he couldn't blame Naruto if it were. But he wasn't going to give the bastard in front of him the satisfaction of seeing his turmoil, so he kept his face carefully schooled.

"You'd better brace yourself, Sasuke. Naruto is a lot stronger now. He doesn't need you. So if you want him back, you're going to have to earn it. And honestly I don't know if you can," Yahiko wrote something down on a piece of paper and handed it to Sasuke. "But for Naruto's sake, so he can get closure, I'll tell you where to find him." Sasuke glanced at the paper. It was an address. "It's the address of his studio. He goes there when he needs to paint. He'll be there now," Yahiko said evenly. Sasuke nodded. He didn't really know what to say. He didn't like this man. But Yahiko had given him the address, and he hadn't needed to. In fact, it wasn't in Yahiko's own interests to do so. "Thanks."

"Don't thank me. I don't wish you luck. But I am Naruto's friend. And he wouldn't appreciate me getting in the way of his business. He's strong enough to make the call on his own." Yahiko smiled a little sadly.

"Besides, Naruto was clear when we started our relationship what the boundaries were. He could never have a serious relationship with me if I also stayed with Konan. Konan and I go way back. She was there for me when no one else was, and I love her. I will never leave her. So that means Naruto and I will only really ever be just friends, even if we briefly are something more. He's not the kind of person that will accept this kind of relationship for very long. I respect that, even if I wish maybe it could have been different. We will never be more than we are right now. But he deserves someone who knows him and values him. And that clearly wasn't you. But since you have decided to crash back into his life, he needs to resolve his feelings about you before he can really move on. With someone who actually deserves him."

"You weren't there, Yahiko. You are only a recent addition to Naruto's life. Don't over-estimate your understanding of who he is or what he needs. But thanks for the address." Yahiko just looked at Sasuke, expressionless, and Sasuke turned and walked out of the gallery.



Well, don't forget to check out my other stories as well 😉
I'll be back soon with the new chapter..
Take care and stay healthy and hydrated. love you all 🥰❤️

Cr: NaruLove11
Dt - 09/11/2023 - 21:21
1317 words

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