Chapter 4

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A few weeks after the King had told me who I really was, I had tried to run away. At that point, I was being pushed out of all royal meetings and left to my education. No training was allowed, no magic lessons, and no meetings with anyone unsupervised by the King.

It was clear Brax was not aware of my parentage and with the way he relished being moulded to become a carbon copy of Cassius, I knew he wouldn't be of any help.

I had planned to sneak out of the castle on a night my father was hosting important families across the territory. I was to attend the festivities then excuse myself to my rooms early, as the King had instructed, then while they were all distracted I was going to run. I had thought the Sky Ranges would be safest, maybe hide out in the Valley for a little. However, Cassius was waiting for me. A day later, Clara was hurt in an incident in the kitchen, and I knew it was his doing. Since then, I have played the role he's wanted me to.

"You look beautiful, Brenna." Clara was fixing small red gems into my curled hair, bringing me back to reality.

I gave her a small smile. "Thanks."

That was all we said to each other as she spent the next hour helping me get ready to meet my new husband. Dressed in a long cream gown, with gold trimming on my wrists and framing my bust, and minimal make-up, I looked the very picture of an innocent Princess.

I stared at myself in the mirror as Clara smoothed down any wrinkles. I wanted to burn it off me. But this is what the King wanted. The perfect daughter to hand off.

"You look so..."

"Virginal?" I cut Clara off before she could finish her sentence.

"Well, we both know that's not true, despite what the dress might say."

I finally gave her a genuine smile. I may have been confined to the inner walls of the castle, but I was still a female with needs and wants and could be resourceful when the occasion required.

A knock at my door wiped the smile from my face.

It was time. With a resigned sigh, I thanked Clara, and she squeezed my hand back.

"It's going to be ok."

I nodded, picked up the front of my dress and walked into the hallway where the King and my brother were waiting.

I kept my expression neutral, even when Brax pulled me into a hug and I desperately wanted to fall into his embrace and cry.

"Stunning Bren," my brother smiled wide at me, like he was so proud of me. I've never wanted to punch him in the face more. Ignorant male thinking that my biggest achievement could be getting married.

We walked side by side, behind the King towards the main entry hall, where I would come face to face with my future. Each step felt like I was trying to move through quick sand, my heart racing, my mind telling me to run in the other direction, but I kept moving one foot in front of the other, following my King.

We heard the excited voices of Lord Dunn's party before the guards opened the cream marble doors into the hall.

I tightened the grip on my hands to try to stop the shaking.

"Welcome," the King boomed as he strode confidently to Lord Dunn, who bowed along with everyone else in the room.

I peeked a look at Brax, he stood tall with his shoulders straight and back like the good soldier he was trained to be. So I threw mine back too and waited for the King to make introductions.

"Lord Dunn, you know my son Brax," Cassius waved us forward. Brax practically jumped on the lord, shaking his hand and welcoming him to our home. I made the smallest steps I could manage, giving him a meek smile.

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