Chapter 9

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Not for the first time today, I woke up to find myself in another strange place, but unlike the sleek office space I had come from, this room was a dark, concrete cell.

I was on a small cot with tattered blankets, that, judging by the smell and feel, hadn't been washed between prisoners. The room was dark with no windows, the three walls were caked with dirt and who knew what else, with the fourth side of the cell a row of thick, dirty bars. My bladder screamed at me when my eyes landed on the small latrine in the corner.

Pulling myself up on shaky legs, I walked the few steps to the other side of the cell and began an internal debate of whether a burst bladder or some venereal disease from the disgusting latrine in front of me would be worse.

"Not up to your standard, Princess?" I jumped at the timbre voice from outside the cell. I had almost expected to see the small female, after she mercilessly knocked me out cold. However, I still wasn't too pleased at the amused look the male from the forest, Arius had introduced him as Finn, was giving me.

Sitting a few feet away from the bars of the cell, Finn rested his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands as he eyed my movements. In that position, he looked at ease, almost approachable, but I had no doubt it was all calculated.

"I didn't expect to get kidnapped last night, so excuse me for not being thrilled with my accomodations," I spat at him.

He raised an eyebrow and unfurled his large frame, stretching to his full height. I took in the male in front of me. He was taller than Fraser, that was for sure, his broad shoulders and chest meant he had to be a soldier.

Arius said something about "second in command" didn't he?

His hands rested on his knees and even from behind the bars I could see they were scarred.

I wonder where else he was scarred.

"Kidnapping isn't exactly the word I would use," He said, brining my attention back to his face. His eyes were incredibly dark, especially in the shadows of the cells, I couldn't see where his pupils finished and his iris' began. His mouth was set in a hard line, making his jaw look even sharper. The only soft feature he had was his hair. The males she had been around in the Fire Kingdom didn't look so... savage.

"Then what would you call this?" I asked, gesturing to my surroundings.

"A mistake," he answered.

"You make these _mistakes_ often?" I said, wrapping my arms around me, hoping it would hide the shivers starting to set in.

His jaw ticked, clearly I had struck a nerve.

"Why don't I drop you back over the border then, let those guards deal with you instead?"

The thought of going back to the Fire Kingdom turned the shivers wracking my body into full-blown tremors. Finn's lip twitched, meaning he noticed the change his suggestion caused.

"Not keen on that then, I see."

"I told you all what happened. I don't understand why I need to be locked up. Just let me go, and I'll get out of your hair," I grumbled.

"So you and your father can carry out whatever little plan you have cooked up?" He said. "I don't think so. So it's either back to the Castle or I'd suggest getting over your aversion to the latrine."

I glared at his smug face, but unfortunately, he was right, I didn't have many options here. I turned from him and slumped down onto the cot.

"Not feeling talkative, Princess?"

I flinched at how he spat that last word, I had never hated it more. A Princess was valued, a Princess had rights, a Princess was strong. I wasn't any of those things. I wasn't Cassius's spy, as Arius and Finn believed.  In the Fire Kingdom I was a bargaining chip and in the Darklands I was a prisoner. I didn't want to be a Princess anymore.

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