Evil x Hero: Agent Psyche

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Agent Psyche is a skilled spy who has recently been working on a case that is said to have been unsolved for 15 years. This was Project Scorpio. In a case about 19 murders connected to a heist two years before the murders happened, their only lead, Eliza, unfortunately, went missing. Not a single living being was worthy of solving it. But in her generation, there is hope.

Running in the shadows, as stealthy as she could, Agent Psyche is now on the run from FBI agents on her tail. Her calming green eyes glowing in the darkness—this was the famous Psyche in action. As she ran through the lively streets, then to the narrow alleyways, after a long time, the FBI agents realized they had been chasing a body double. The real person they were chasing had already escaped through the sewers. Sure, it had a really foul smell, but this was her only option. In her line of work, you have to do anything to survive. Since endurance is what makes a good spy. Right after, she went to a nearby hotel to take a rest. Everybody needs a rest, no matter who they are, even if they are undercover agents who are being man-hunted by a bunch of FBI agents.

The next fateful morning, Agent Psyche did some research on their only lead, Eliza, who had gone astray. Through advanced coding and hacking, Psyche found out that she legally changed her name 15 years ago. Eliza paid money so that her name-changing would be confidential. She also moved to England, where she changed her name. Finding her address was worse than hard. Through great patience, Agent Psyche found where Eliza lived in England. With all her resources, she booked a flight from Canada to England. Right after she got there, she felt the wind breezing through her lovely brown hair. The country somehow felt calming for her; it was the very first time she had peace flowing through her mind. Yet, nothing could distract her. Project Scorpio is a very historical and crucial mission, and interruptions had no place in her head.

As Agent Psyche was walking past a coffee shop, a stranger unfortunately bumped into her and stained her clothes and, unluckily, her jacket, which she adored most. Sure, distractions weren't an option, but sometimes you have to take a break from work. "Sly creatures should have no place in this world," Psyche said calmly, yet with hidden rage. "Sorry, ma'am, I am very sorry! I won't ever do it again. Please spare me!" The man begged, "How pathetic are you? I'll forgive you." "What's your name?" Psyche added, "Stephen or Steph, you?" "Eleanor." As the two let out their final words, they parted ways, but on one fateful day in the very near future, they would be destined to see each other again, as foes.

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