Evil x Hero: Rage and Misery

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Isaac's cold body lay on the floor, and Eleanor had nowhere to flee except for the risky window. She was about to jump when the door creaked and eventually opened. Isaac was stunned to see Mal's dead body. He saw Eleanor trying to escape, and it was obvious to him. "I didn't kill him or her." As the words escaped her mouth, Isaac was left with confusion. "Psyche?" She left, leaving Isaac alone with Mal's cold body. It was clear to see what Eleanor's true identity was, literally. Tears streamed down her face, and she sighed heavily, letting her head drop. Eleanor was in a state of haunting aftertaste of rage. She missed the bittersweet old days. The days when she didn't have a single care in the world, the days when she was free.

Before all the agency stuff, both of them were friends in high school, they also had another friend, Jen. when they were all 16, five years ago. They would spend all their time staying at convenience stores to devour ice cream, bike all day, fuss about the rain, hate the same people, and simply live the lives of three high schoolers. All of that changed when they got accepted into the agency. At the very young age of 17, they were in training. That was where they got distant. Isaac was given a mission; he overdid his strength and went over his limit, and he failed. It was handed to Psyche a while later, and since then, they have become rivals. Jen stayed friends with Isaac, leaving Psyche behind. With Psyche's strength, Jen's endurance, and Isaac's brainpower, they were impossible to equal. All those years, the missing piece of them was each other; that hadn't crossed their minds, not even once. The reason Isaac failed to solve the case was because the culprit ran off, due to Isaac's lack of strength. He thought Psyche solved the case, but it was also Psyche's lack of brainpower that cost her the culprit's escape. Sure, she was good with computers, but that was the only thing she was good at with her brain, aside from seeing through people.

When Mal's autopsy was done, Isaac found out that the one who shot him wasn't Eleanor; it was someone from a distance. Someone was responsible. Meanwhile, Eleanor had a conclusion about who the culprit was. It was a blurry deduction, but it was all she had. She booked a flight to Iceland; it would take five hours. That was enough time to do a background check on Stephen since he was a cautious being. The more she looked into him, she saw that he had two brothers, Hans and Ken. Isaac's parents died when he was 14. He vowed to torture the one who was responsible. Then it hit her, if there was a third party, the obvious goal was to sabotage the case. To do that, Mr. Third had to get rid of Eleanor, which was through Stephen. Instead of Stephen blaming Eleanor as a criminal, he could blame Eleanor as the suspect who unlived his parents, putting her reputation at risk. That could only be possible if Mr. Third also did a background check on Agent Eros. As cautious as the guy is, it would nearly be impossible. Isaac could also be a road if Mr. Third did a background check on Eleanor. She could be framed for his sister's death. It's clear to the naked eye that through Eleanor, Mr. Third found out about Stephen, then about Agent Eros, and also through Eleanor, Mr. Third found out about Isaac and Jen.

The haunting aftertaste of rage is misery.

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