The Plot twist be Working Overtime

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After the disastrous date with the prince, Scarlet, was on the verge of a hysterical breakdown. The impending wedding was looming like a thunderstorm, and she was desperate for a way out. On top of all this, she was about to attend a magical school, which felt like something straight out of a fantasy novel.

In her bewildered state, she thought, "Magic? Seriously? This is like a bad Harry Potter spin-off, and why on earth am I going back to school when I look like I should be giving the commencement speech?"

But Scarlet had no time for existential pondering. She needed a plan to escape the chaos and get rid of the impending wedding drama. With a burst of inspiration, she declared, "Eureka! Here's the plan: let's completely ignore Alise, and voilà – no more drama madness, right?"

Well, that was a plan that went up in flames faster than a marshmallow at a bonfire. Scarlet was now the center of attention, and her abrupt change in attitude was the hot gossip of the Academy. The rumors about her transformation spread like wildfire.

"Freya! Freya!!" her friends cried out, tapping her on the shoulder like they were trying to break a world record.

"Excuse me, who?" Scarlet replied, seemingly forgetting that her identity had just undergone a more dramatic makeover than a celebrity on a reality TV show.

"You dummy!" her friends exclaimed, somewhere between laughter and disbelief, as if they'd just witnessed a live magic show with an unpredictable grand finale."

But just when things couldn't get any weirder, Scarlet suddenly, and quite dramatically, fainted, collapsing onto the floor in a heap. The royals gasped in unison, their whispers louder than a town crier at dawn.

The chaos that had been brewing in the kingdom reached a fever pitch. Was it magic? A royal prank gone wrong? Or perhaps just Scarlet's flair for the dramatic?

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