Chapter I. The Glimpse

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I woke up the same way I did a week when I came here to my hometown. Lost. Broken-hearted. I feel like there is no reason at all for starting another day. I could curse the sun for shining brightly as if something must be celebrated. So, I decided to stay in bed longer. I put my face on the piled pillow and turned off my phone. Now, it's just me and my good as dead day.

But the silence was broken when I heard the rummaging footsteps of my grandma. I cover my ears with all the pillows I could gather because I know her machine gun mouth is coming at me.

"Bellee!" she shouted.

"Is this how you wanna spend your day here?" she said as she banged on the doors.

"You didn't even bother answering your phone calls. Look at this mess here. Is this how we raise you?" I opened my eyes slowly and saw her picking up my stuff. I then closed it abruptly and acted asleep. Suddenly, something hit my head. She just threw the damn book right on my head.

"Seriously?" I couldn't hide the frustration of my voice.

"I'll pick up those stuff later ma, quit nagging."

I rose from my bed and looked at my room. It is indeed a mess, books are clattered, and my clothes are all over the floor. I really didn't bother to unpack all my stuff. I grabbed my stuff from her hand and put it on my storage box.

She looked at me with dismay and shook her head. "Go downstair after you clear your room and help your cousins prepare things. Did you even know today's your niece birthday?"

Shit. Why did that slip my mind? "I forgot. I'm caught up with my work here. That I-"

She cut me off before I could finish what I was about to say. She looked at me with sad eyes like I was the most pitiful being in the world. "Quit with your excuses. You can't stay like this forever Belle. You know that," she said calmly. I didn't respond at all, but I am also hurt with how things turned now.

"We also need you and we care for you. If you can't help yourself, then do it for me at least" she said and held my hand the way she always does when she knows I'm hurting.

I stayed quiet and nodded at her. She then kissed my forehead.

"I'll be waiting."

"I know, ma."

And just like that, she left me in my room.

After an hour of cleaning and pampering myself, I headed downstair and heard noises from different people. It seems like the whole neighborhood has come to help us prepare for this celebration. The Filipino way indeed.

"Doc, nakauwi kana pala." It was our neighbor, ate elle, bringing plates decorated with flowers. I could vividly remember how happy I would be if there was a celebration at home because at last, I got to use these classic plates than those plastic ones.

"Yes po, just this week. Let me help you out with that ate."

"Ay wag na, kaya ko na to."

"I insist, mabigat kaya yan." She then agreed and after I helped her bring those plates out. I went to our parlor and there I saw my cousins and the mother of the celebrant.

"DOC!" Kath said excitedly. She then rushed to hug me and giggle. It's a relief to see her once again.

"My gad! I have a lot of chika for you" she said, and she looked like she was screaming inside.

If you will say, change is the only constant in this world. You got it wrong. Kath will always be Kath. The loudest person ever and nothing will ever change that.

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