☆Movin in☆

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Loynce Pov-

Hi, my name is Loynce Garmadon. I'm 16 years old, I have an older sister, hers name is Lilly, she's 17. Right now me and my suposent team are moving in to our new home. It's kinda big, and old but it's a place full of history waiting to be cleaned. And by the looks of this place...we're gonna be cleaning it for days maybe even weeks! But that's a problem for future me. Anyways I was tasked into unpacking in my room for the rest of the day instead of cleaning the rest of the place so it's fine. When I walked in I noticed green sheets on the bed I'm supposed to be sleeping in and now I know who's room this was, my father's. Me and my father don't have the worst relationship, but we don't have the best relationship either. It's just my father is always on missions traveling to different realms like crazy without even saying a hello or bye to me. Meanwhile with my mother it's sorta the same, except she atleast trys to talk to me every once in awhile unlike dad...but it's a whatever at this point. I started to unpack my stuff while putting all of my fathers old stuff in a corner and keeping some things of his that I kinda liked. After 3 hours I managed to unpack almost all of my things and placed them around the room while also shifting them around to find the 'perfect spot' to make my room great. Eventually my robot freind Zach called us for dinner. "Dinner already?!" I said to myself. I finished placing some things and then I went down the hall into the kitchen. When I walked in I saw everyone talking and laughing while grabbing their food. I sat down next to my sister Lilly and my good freind Jake. We started to eat and that's when Kane, Jake's cousin asked "So who's going to be the leader of this team?" To be honest I didn't actually think about that? My father was the leader of his team after Kai was for some time. But I'm not the Green Ninja my sister is...so does that make her the leader? She can't be the leader she's extremely gullible!! She literally meets someone and 5 seconds later she considers them as hers best freind!! Like what if they were trying to kidnap her or something?!! "I think I should bethe leader sense im the Legendary Green Ninja!" Lilly says a little excited. Kane then gets up and says "I think I should be the leader sense im more experienced in my power than most if not all of you!!" "Now hold on guys it's obvious I'd be the leader im smarter than all of you combined!!" No your not!!! Zach's smarter and why does smartness matter?!!!" My freind Jake says to his sister. I honestly didnt care who'd be the leader as long as they took the job seriously as the leader is incharge of making orders and if the leader makes the wrong call then several lives could be at risk or worse.

No one's pov-

Nixxie, Lilly, Kane, and Jake continued to argue while Loynce was in his own world, Zane was just watching, and Casey was to focused on eating. Eventually Zach decided to break the fight by giving them the logical answer on who would be the best option to be leader. "According to my calculations, Jake wouldn't be a good leader as he goofs off quite a bit, Nixxie is to stubborn, Kane is to impatient, Casey doesn't listen to others, I am not programed to do such thing, but Lilly and Loynce are both eligible to be the leader of our team." After Zach said that he caught everyone's attention. Jake Kane and Nixxie were in disbelief, Casey felt insulted, Lilly felt extremely happy and excited and started cheering, and Loynce was shocked and in confusion.

To be continued...

Word count- 673

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