✨️Kitchen Madness✨️

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Kane's pov-

When I managed to snap Lilly back to reality I still heard Loynce choking on his water. He was freaking chugging the water and when mom said what he was gonna order he freaking swallowed the drink so hard and the wrong way to! I'm supprised he's not dead!!!

10 minutes later...

After a few minutes Loynce finally stopped coughing and everyone was chill. Our orders were taking a little long but that was because this place was packed. And it was quite embarrassing when people started staring at us because Loynce was at our table dieing and Casey was laughing his but off like he had mental problems.

Loynce pov-

I just freaking embarrassed myself so bad!!! I literally was dieing because Mrs. Smith predicted me and Lilly's orders!!! It's not that big of a deal but yet I made a huge scene and I am 100% embarrassed!!!!

Casey's pov-

Man that was the funniest thing I've ever seen in my entire life!!! I can't I just can't!!!!! Oh my goodness the look on both their faces!!!! Lilly was in utter shock bro!!! And Loynce was freaking dieing!!!!! Oh my goodness I might die of laughter here!!!!

After awhile the Ninjas calmed down and just started talking to one another

Loynce pov-

"Can you imagine how cool it'll be when we all learn how to use our elemental powers correctly without destroying anything by accident?!!" Casey said. "Oh yeah I'll be zapping things left and right, it'll be, shocking!" Jake said. "That was the most stupid joke I've ever heard." I said. "Hey!!!!" Jake yelled. "What?! he's not wrong, and besides we all know that I'm the best as I got the best strength you'll ever see!!!" Casey said. "Nope that would be me not you loosers! I got the best power ever, Fire!!!!" Kane yelled. "Uhhh hello gentlemen I think your forgetting about me?" Nixxie said. "What about you?" Jake said. "HEY!" Nixxie yelled. "Guys we all know that my power is better as I got ice, fire, lightning, and earth all in one!!" Lilly said. "CHEATER!" Jake, Casey, and Kane yelled. Once they yelled that I flinched and I accidentally activated my powers through my fingers and everyone in the building was blinded. My powers have never activated like this before! I don't understand! why is it like 100x brighter then the other times it activated out of no where?!! I panicked and hid my hands in my jacket as best as I could. Everyone was confused and were trying to gain their sight again. I can't believe it! First I end up dieing because I drank water the wrong way and now my power activated out of no where and I blind everyone in the building!!! I swear my luck is fading!!! Another thing is is that I have my gloves on and Zach's dad designed for our powers not to be activated so how did mine activate?!!! Also why am I the only one having this problem?!!! Then all of a sudden a big bang occurred when I looked around I could see that everyone except for me was effected by my power. I still don't really know what my power is? I think it's light? I'm not sure but anyways once I got a good look of the place I then noticed where the bang came from. Someone knocked down the front door entirely, then I saw one of them pull out something and I heard a reloding sound. "EVRYONE GET DOWN THERE PEOPLE ARMED WITH GUNS THEIR GONNA SHOOT GET DOWN!!!!!" I yelled as loud as I could. And I ran out of my seat as fast as I could. Everyone ducked and once they did I yelled "COVER YOUR EYES!!!" I then ran as close as I could to the armed men and they started to fire at me once they saw me. I then attempted into activating my powers again but they didn't activate! "Oh c'mon!!!" I said. I then started to dodge the bullets and I then jumped in the air and out of no where I started spinning like crazy and I was glowing bright yellow! Then I somehow hit a guy when he was trying to shoot me and he accidentally hit the trigger and shot the ceiling. I then out of no where stopped spinning like crazy and I fell on my butt. Then a guy ran towards me with a knife and out of no where my power activated. The guy screamed as he got blinded by my power then the brightness of my power started spreading from my hands to arms to my chest and soon covering my body. It was so bright that I barely could see and out of no where i had a vision. I saw light and then I saw it getting consumed by darkness and the light prevailed through it then I heard something, a voice...

"You cannot ask the darkness to leave; you must turn on the light."

"W-Wait what?! Who Said that?!!" I asked.

"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness."

"What do you mean?! What are you talking about?!! Who are you?!!!" I asked.

"Learn as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow."

"Hold up answer me!!!"

Then the vision and voices went away and I snapped back to reality where i saw all the men on the ground and then suddenly my powers deactivated. But this time was weird, I felt a power course through my veins, it felt different. A couple seconds pass and while I was trying to comprehend what just happened and then I hear cheering and claping and then a hand reached to me, it was...Lilly's... "You good little bro?" Lilly asks. I was confused as she smiled at me and helped me up. Then Mrs. Smith comes out and walks up to me and says "Loynce...what's your last name?..." I got a little worried as she said it in a serious voice. "Uhhhh Garmadon." I said very unsure of what is occurring. Then Mrs. Smith looked worried. "Is everything ok Mrs. Smith?" Lilly asked. "Yes it's just I remembered something." She said with a normal tone. "Mom did you see what just happened?!" Kane asked. " "Loynce what happened?" Mrs. Smith asked.

"Well, when the guys yelled the word cheater I flinched and my powers suddenly activated through my fingers. So I hid my hands in my jacket then I heard a bang and saw that people broke in and they had guns so I told everyone to duck and I ran at them and when I wanted to use my powers it wouldn't work and when i jumped in the air to kick one of the guys I started spinning like crazy and I glowed bright yellow and before I knew it I was here"

"Loynce, you did spinjitsu" Mrs. Smith said. "WHAT?!!!"

To be continued...

Word count- 1,174

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