•Fed Up With Change•

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3rd person-

Kai told everyone to get in a line and then made Lilly go up first to complete the training course. Lilly gets really nervous as she doesn't want to make a fool of hers self. She then took a deep breath and went on through the training course. "WOW LILLY'S SMOKING IT!" Kane yelled. The others except for Zach rolled their eyes. Then as Lilly was about to approach the end she then got smacked in the face by a trap that popped up from the ground. Lilly screamed as she flew and went and face planted into a wall. "GAH! LILLY!" Kane yelled as he ran to assist her. Loynce then went burst out laughing at what just occurred to Lilly and Kane's reaction to it. Nixxie then said "Loynce what is your problem that's your sister!" "E-e-e-xactly!!!" Loynce managed to say while laughing histarically. Casey was also laughing histarically as the way Lilly's smile went to being scared was extremely hilarious to him. Jake then got scared and yelled "GUYS SHUTUP HERS VEIN IS POPPING OUT, THAT MEANS SHE ANGRY!!! SHES GONNA KILL YOU!!!" Then Nixxie turned around death staring Jake. Jake then hid behind a pillar in fear. "Ow ow ow!" Lilly said.
"Maybe we should do something that will prepare you kids for the training course as it seems this isn't going to go well..." Kai says. "I agree." Skylor says.


"Ok so it might have tooken majority of the day but after a TON of tries with a TON of patience I have finally came to realize that each of you are amazing in certain areas. And so for the rest of the day until dinner you all will be training. All the kids groaned as they didn't want to train all day. "Can I have an exception sense I still have a headache?!" Lilly asked. "No as it won't be fair to the others!" Kai said. Then Loynce, Jake, and Casey started laughing at Lilly who then gave permission to Kane so he could hit all three of them for her. So Kane went at the three who were laughing their butts off and he slapped them straight on the head putting a ton of effort into it. "OW!!!" Loynce and Jake yelled. "Ow!" Casey said. "OW!!! THAT HURT CASEY WHATS YOUR HEAD MADE OUT OFF, BRICKS???" Kane yelled. Zach then said "Actually I believe his head isn't made out of bricks but instead made out of-" suddenly Zach got cut off by Kai who told everyone to get in a straight but spread out line so they could start their training.

Kai then spoke "Ok so we'll start with a basic fighting position!"

Around dinner time...

Jake's pov-

"And now try!" Uncle Kai said. And so with uncles orders me and Casey started fighting eachother with out our powers and we just did physical combat. I went for a punch and Casey dodged then I jumped in the air, turned, landed behind him, went for another punch and he dodged and kicked me in the area!"GAH!!!" I yelled in pain as I fell to the floor trying not to cry! Loynce then started laughing at me along with Kane and then Casey said "And that's how you, 'rock' someone's boat!!!" Then I heard Loynce laughing very hard at what Casey said. I then tryed to get up so I could punch him but I couldn't! So with all my might I kicked Casey in his area as hard as I could and he freaking whimpered and fell to the floor and started to weep! Then I heard Loynce laughing so hard that he fell onto the floor and I saw him rolling on the ground while Kane fell on his back and was kicking his legs in the air while laughing a ton! But you wanna know what was the best part?! I used my power to electricute Casey when I kicked him to make sure he felt the pain just like I did so. If I wasn't in so much pain then I would've been laughing my butt off! Then I heard uncle let out a huge sigh and then I heard aunt Sky calling us for dinner. I was in to much pain to get up so I just stayed on the ground laying there. Then Nixxie came to help me get to the table and Lilly went to help Casey then Zach managed to get Loynce and Kane up from the ground and get them inside with them still laughing like crazy!

At dinner...

Lilly's pov-

After we got the two injured men to the table me and Nixxie sat down with them. And before we knew it we heard laughing. "Oh great here they come." Nixxie said. I then sighed and then in came the idiots Loynce and Kane. They honestly get along pretty well and it's annoying when they do because they come up with the dumbest things and they do the dumbest things. Anyways Zach brought them in and told them to sit down. They sat down and finally stopped laughing, it was finally quiet but when I looked at them they were still smiling about the situation. "Can you guys act like your 16 and not 6?!!!" Nixxie said. "We are acting 16!!!" They said. "Oh really cause you guys don't seem as mature as everyone hopped you'd be!!! I understand Jake when he acts like that cause he's barely a teen but you two are acting like children!!" I said. At this point me and Nixxie were fed up with everything and we just wanted some quiet. "I thought Loynce was supposed to be the grumpy one?" Casey said. And that's when Loynce's smile quickly turned to hatred. "And there it is." I mummbled to myself quietly. Loynce then didn't say anything else and he just death started all of us. "Loynce stop being a baby." I said and that's when Loynce did something he's never done before. "HOW ABOUT YOU SHUTUP!" Loynce yelled. "LOYNCE!!!" Nixxie yelled. "WHAT ITS NOT MY FAULT!!! SHE STARTED IT NOT ME!!!" Loynce yelled. "Loynce calm down!!!" Casey said. "YOU SHUTUP I DONT WANNA HEAR IT FROM YOU AT ALL!!!" Loynce yelled. "All of you that is enough!!!" Mr. Smith yelled. We all stayed silent and then Loynce growled and yelled "YOU ALL SUCK!" and with that said he then stormed off to his room and didn't eat dinner. "Is this how your all going to act after training?!!" Mr. Smith asked. The room was silent and stayed that way for thirty seconds. Then Mr. Smith said "Because if this is the case then you'll all have to start doing chores and training!!" "WHAT?!" We all yelled. "Or double training!!" Mr. Smith said. "WHAT?!" We yelled once more. We had to think cause this wasn't a suggestion it was mandatory so we had to choose. We all choose training and chores and Mr. Smith said "Very well...double training will start tomorrow at 4am."


To be continued...

Word count-1,188

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