1. "I am not foolish, Ms. Carter"

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"Finally, your classroom is E13, located on the second floor. Have a great day Mr. Zakeanson."

The woman in front of me smiles, a little too wide with a shimmer in her green eyes. I am not dense, I know why she is ogling me in that way. This agitates me as I attempt to lift the corners of my lips up, but only manage to keep a neutral face. Not interested in conversing with the aged woman further, I turn my back and head into this colourful pit of hell. I hate bright colours and I do not understand how people cannot just settle with simple colours. Another irritating aspect about the school is that it is very unclean. I do not have OCD or anything, and this was confirmed when my mother forced me to get checked-up. I am not at all fond of my family which lead me to choose this school to teach in. It is far away from them and after cutting contact with them there is little to no chance they will find me.


I hold back a sigh as I turn back around when the receptionist signals for me to come over. I rake a hand through my hair and go back, impatiently. She begins to whisper to me, only frustrating me further as her voice feels like a bee buzzing into my ear.

"I read your planner, and it seems as that you have a class with the 12th graders. Many of the girls in the year are known for.. persuading men they find attractive to tend to their needs."

This did nothing but irritate me as I could not care less about this information, it does not concern me and my first class starts in forty-five minutes and I needed to reach there at least thirty minutes early.

"Oh, and make sure to look out for Alyssa Carter, she is nothing but trouble and she has slept with over half the boys in the grade. And also.."

She bites her lip hesitantly and I nod her on and she continues.

"It is not confirmed, but she was assumed to have gotten one of her teachers fired." she says as quite as she could muster, spit coming out of her ear at one point, making me grimace.

I frown at this, not because I am worried, but rather finding it quite boring. No way this lady thinks I would sleep with a student. My watch reads 8:36, if I am not in my classroom by 8:45, my already bad mood will be worsened.

"I will keep that in mind. Bye."

I walk away without sparing a second glance before she can say anything else. 8:37. Hurrying my footsteps and finally locating my classroom. To my relief, the classroom is not highly illuminated with colours, like I demanded. For the next half hour, I begin setting my workspace up


The chattering class enter, acting as if my classroom is a place to party. I look at them sternly, not bothering to say anything as I know too well what I can do with a simple movement with my eyes. Hence my decision to teach Psychology.

"Everyone line up at the back of the class!"

They all do so, but I do not fail to notice a snicker from a boy with freckles and chestnut hair which clearly hasn't been cut in a while.

Checking the class, 12D, I find his picture in a few seconds.

Jason Lockwood.

"Mr.Lockwood since I humour you so damn much why don't we sit you right in front of me?"

"S-Sorry Sir."

For a 17 year old, he became flustered way too easily. We will have to work on that.

"Now the rest of you sit in alphabetical order."

The students began to fill the seats one by one but there was one seat remaining at the back. There was exactly 24 chairs and 24 students and I had made sure of that.

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