4. "What the fuck is this?!"

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"It appears what they say about you is true."

My mouth opened slightly but I quickly reverted it. The fucking audacity of this man.

"What exactly do they say about me?" I challenged.

"You know exactly what I am talking about. Now go, I dismissed you a minute ago." He says briefly and continues to walk back into his class, not even sparing me a second glance.

I huffed and stormed out of that corridor as quickly as I could, accidentally bumping into a 9th grader.

"What's up with you, grumpy." Ashton comes from behind me and swings an arm around my neck.

"Mr. Zakeanson, he's gonna be the death of me, he caught me about to be fucked by Josh."

He bursts out laughing and starts to hit me, something he tends to do when he finds something funny, but it always makes me flinch slightly, even though I know it is only in a playful way.

"No way! Bless his eyes." He says, still not recovered from his little giggling session.

"Shut up." I respond rolling my eyes a little, but I'm smiling the widest I have all week.

Ashton has a way to always lighten the mood, which is probably why he is the only boy I ever dated rather than being just a one-night stand. For a whole month in Grade 10, me and Ashton were a couple, a healthy one. But in the end we decided we both didn't feel anything for each other and decided to remain as friends, and it's been like that ever since.

"Have you seen Jess?" he questions, freeing me from my thoughts.

"No, she's been distant all day, I'm worried about her."

He sighs and removes his arm from my shoulder, to rake it through his hair. "I know. But it's not my place for me to tell you what happened, I'm sure she'll tell you later." And this surprises me as usually I'm the first one to know about what Jessica's feeling, never Ashton.

"Okay, well I need to go and study before Psychology starts, so I'll see you later." I say, trying to hide the hurt in my voice now I know Jess is hiding something from me, but Ashton doesn't fail to notice this and gives me a hug from the side and we say our goodbyes and head in opposite directions.


"Let's recap something that you would've learnt last year, in the third semester of 11th Grade. Can someone give me an example of resistance to social influence?" Mr. Zakeanson asks the class sternly, stood up with his hands gripping the edge of his desk. Is he always so tense?

My hand darts up immediately as I remember the topic thoroughly thanks to my memory but he looks at me for less than a split second before deciding to ask some random boy behind me.

He answers wrong and Mr. Zakeanson is clearly frustrated by this and moves on to another person to ask.

Ignoring me again, he chooses a girl who was in my class in 9th grade, I can't remember her name though.

Again, she answers wrong. Now, my arm is the only one up left and so I expect him to choose me, but instead he answers it himself!

I blow my cheeks out and fold my arms. What a jerk.

For the rest or class I completely zone out, not bothering to participate.


"Ms. Carter."


"Alyssa Carter answer me right now."

I get startled and jump in my chair slightly to face Enzo staring down at me in a rage.

"I asked you a question. When I ask, you respond."

What is his problem? When I put my hand up, he doesn't acknowledge me but when he asks me a question, I have to respond.

That's how school works. I remind myself, trying not to let it get to me.

"Sorry, I didn't hear." I mumble, expecting him to argue back but instead he just goes back to the front of the class without another word. He is so strange.

I glance up at the clock to see that there is only five minutes left and I sigh in relief. Thank god for that.

When I look back to the front, I notice him staring at me intensely.

"Now, I've printed out and marked the homework that was meant to be handed in today. Ms. Wood and Mr. Noble, meet me at the end of class."

My gaze diverts to Sofia Wood who is now giggling and twirling her hair with her friend next to her, clearly excited about getting some one on one time with Mr. Zakeanson. Poor girl, she clearly doesn't know what he's like.

"As for the rest of you, Alyssa will be handing out your homework." he continues, making me snap my head back at him with a quizzical look. Can he not just do it himself?

Despite all my thoughts telling me to give him a piece of my mind, I stand up silently and take the papers from him, my hand brushing his which reminds me of the sparks I felt last night when he caught me. Focus Alyssa.

I hand out everyone's homework one by one, not failing to feel Mr. Zakeanson's gaze on my back. I notice that there are 2 A's, 7 B's, 6 C's and 5 F's out of the 20 I have handed out so far, and none of the papers belong to me.

There are only two left and the one on top belongs to Jason, the boy sitting next to me who has got an F and I give him a pitiful look before looking and the final paper remaining in my hands.

Alyssa Carter

Teachers have hated me. They've talked shit behind my back, shouted at me, given me dirty looks but they never ever dared to give me lower than an A, an A- at worst.

The bell rings and everyone leaves apart from me and the two who were told to stay behind. I'm stood frozen still scanning over my work again and again until the words I wrote have been memorised. My work is to my usual standard, the best and I don't understand where I have gone wrong.

Behind me, I can hear sir lecturing Sofia and Leon Noble about not completing their homework and they all probably think I am crazy for not moving.

As soon as they leave the classroom, I turn around and shove the paper into sir's chest and snap at him.

"What the fuck is this?!"

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