5. "Deep breaths, you're going to be okay."

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Authors Note - Thank you all so much for all the love and votes! Over 1,000 reads and couldn't do it without any of you


"What the fuck is this?!" I scream angrily at him.

Calmly, he responds with "Watch your tone and language when you are speaking with me Ms. Carter." and I can see his eyes darkening slightly.

"I don't care! Why did I get a B, I've never gotten anything below and A and definitely never gotten a B-."

I'm fuming at this point.

He sighs and places an arm on his deck and holds his head in his hand, continuing whatever he was doing before.

We stay like that for a few minutes - me silently stood with my blood boiling and him sat at his desk ever so casually, as if I am not even there.

Deciding to finally break the irritating quiet, I clear my throat and speak angrily yet again.

"Did you not hear me? Why the hell are you not saying anything!"

He seems to be as frustrated with me as I am with him as he snatches the paper out of my hands and starts writing on it.

"There." He points to something he underlined. "Too much usage of the letter 'I' at the beginning of sentences, you would've learnt five year ago that you need to you better sentence starters. Also too little mention of how social media affects people, you clearly did not look into that enough. Now leave my classroom and stop with this shit."

My mouth opened to say something. And then closed. And then opened again but I just stood there in awe with my mouth gape looking foolish.

First he embarrassed me in the closet, then in class and now after class. This guy just couldn't get e-fucking-nough. Also he is quite hypocritical, with the whole no bad language thing.

He didn't even look at me when he said a word of that and he's not looking at me now yet here I am gawking at him.

I ran out of that classroom as fast as my legs could muster.


When the day ended, I decided to stay back in school in the library because my English teacher decided to give us an exam the next day. I contacted him to let him know about it so there wasn't a repeat of last night.

As I revised, people left one by one until it was just me and the librarian left. She was old and sweet and by far my favourite teacher, even though she wasn't really one.

"Sweetie, I'm going to go now" she said getting a her tote bag and books together. "Remember, you have to leave before 18:00! Have a good day."

I gave her a brief smile before returning back to revision and checked my phone. 17:38, I still had around 20 minutes left and I was planning to make good usage of that. I put headphones in, I know, not ideal for studying, and get on with my work.


Deciding I needed a breather, I close my books for a stretch until I notice a muscular back, a sexy one at that, which is all to familiar to me, even after only knowing it for a few days.

Thanks to my headphones, I must have not heard him coming in but he would have noticed me and decided not to say anything.

Mr. Zakeanson sat on the other side of the library without a single crease is his long sleeve white blouse, which made me want to fist it in my hands and crumple every last inch of it.

As I continued to muster up ways to harm him I heard thunder. And thunder meant lightning.

Quickly shoving all my books to the side I grabbed my phone hastily and checked the weather app to see that there was a weather warning about a raging thunderstorm which was predicted to last around an hour and a warning to stay inside.

My breath starts to stagger and my lip begins to tremble, only slightly but Mr. Zakeanson clearly has eyes at the back of his head, like all teachers supposedly do and raises a quizzical eyebrow up at me.

"Are you alright down there?"

Without having a second thought, I lunged toward the seat next to him requiring the presence of anyone or anything and start to sob in my hands.

He's caught of guard and seems alarmed for a moment before quickly reverting back to his usual hard to read self.

"Not a fan of the thunder? I promise it will go away soon."

"I'm scared sir." I sniffle slightly.

"Shh, trust me, I won't let anything happen to you."

And for some weird reason. I do trust him.


Before I know it, I'm all cuddled up to him and he is running his fingers through my hair gently while eyeing me from time to time and it seems we are both in a comfortable silence, even with the thunder outside and I feel safe for once, the first time I have experienced this during a thunderstorm.

He glances at his watch which seems to be no less then a hundred dollars and reassures me that I will be okay and that there is less than 30 minutes left of the storm.

And then suddenly lightning strikes followed by another and I am sobbing again in his arms.

He brings my head into his chest and starts rubbing my back up and down and it makes me feel slightly better "Deep breaths, you're going to be okay."

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