I. Of Promises and Vows

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Argella's laughter filled the air as she sprinted into her uncle's open arms. He scooped her up, his own warm smile mirroring hers, and took a few steps away from the imposing door he had been guarding. Behind that door lay hushed laughter and other, more mysterious sounds.

"Are you here to see your father? I'm afraid he's rather occupied at the moment."

Jaime's brow furrowed as he contemplated what King Robert might be up to.

Argella, her chest still heaving from her sprint, was unimpressed. "What!" she exclaimed, "He promised to teach me how to ride a horse this morning."

Jaime chuckled, lowering her to the ground. "I'm afraid your father won't be able to make good on that promise, Princess."

Kneeling down to her height, he gently tucked a stray strand of black hair behind her ear. "Would you like me to take you instead? I can teach you how to ride. Your father might not be able to, but I can."

Argella looked at her uncle with determination in her eyes.

"You're a lot like your mother, aren't you? Always getting what you want." Jaime smiled, his thoughts briefly drifting to his twin sister.

"My mother likes you more than she likes my father. I like you too, Uncle."

"I like you too, Princess."

Argella beamed at him, her young heart full of affection. "When I grow up, can I be your bride, Uncle?"

Jaime's laughter filled the corridor, echoing through the stone walls. "I wonder what your father and mother would say, especially your mother."

"They'll agree," Argella insisted stubbornly. "Father loves me, and so does Mother, no matter how much I resemble Father. They won't deny me; they can't."

Her determination left Jaime momentarily speechless. He looked into her eyes and saw a future lady with a strong will.

"You're still just a child," he mused aloud.

Argella responded with a mischievous smirk. "I am now, but I'll grow up. I'll become the most beautiful lady in all the Seven Kingdoms."

Jaime sighed in defeat. "Alright. It's not like you'll remember this when I grow up."

But Argella did remember. In the years to come, the princess grew up to be as strong-willed as she promised, and she never forgot her childhood vow. As her father continued to sit on the Iron Throne, Argella's future seemed boundless.

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