VIII. Shadows and Secrets

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Jaime had just been relieved from his duty of guarding Robert Baratheon. The insufferable man had been tormenting him incessantly, forcing him to listen to his revelry with whores and dishonoring Jaime's sister.

Cersei had been radiant the day they reunited. He could still recall the sight of her as he assisted the princess in descending from her carriage. Majestic and alluring as the sun itself. No one could compare to her.

Robert was a fool. No man could resist loving Cersei Lannister, nor refrain from begging for her attention. Jaime considered himself fortunate. She was his, and he was hers.

They had been meeting clandestinely at night, just as they did before Argella dragged him back to Casterly Rock.

He smirked. The young princess had proved as obstinate as her mother. No one could refuse her. Surprisingly, she seemed to have Robert wrapped around her little finger, a feat even Cersei couldn't achieve. And one that intrigued her.

The young princess. He furrowed his brow. He had been by her side for four years, a constant shadow to her petite figure. She wasn't so little now, he supposed. He had sparred to shame the countless suitors who dared to court her at Casterly Rock. None possessed the skill to defeat him, and each time he bested a suitor, Argella would discreetly chuckle and graciously console the defeated lordling. He noted her mastery of such duplicity. She was truly Tywin's political protege.

As he vanquished those lords, he believed he was protecting Argella as he should have protected Cersei. If Argella were to wed another Robert, he would gleefully dispatch her cruel husband, making it appear as an accident, for his own amusement. Perhaps that was the one thing Robert and he could bond over: dispatching Argella's oppressive spouse.

He was on his way to the white tower when he noticed a familiar figure crossing the walkway to the heart tree, or what remained of it.

Jaime sighed. He had hoped to rest peacefully by Cersei's side for the night, but her offspring had other plans in mind. Plans he would gladly thwart.

"Slow down," he called out.

The girl halted and threw back her hood, revealing her luscious black hair. "It's me, Uncle Jaime."

Jaime frowned. Argella only called him uncle when something troubled her. Though she was adept at deception, her temper unraveled like a storm.

"Why were you coming from the stables, and where is your Kingsguard?"

"I've relieved Ser Aerys for the night, and yes, I had just come from the stables, for the Lord Hand had invited me on a splendid ride and then escorted me to a whorehouse!"

"Should I kill him?"

Argella frowned at him, but a hint of amusement flickered in her eyes. That should soothe her.

"That wouldn't be politically astute of you, Ser."

"Between you and me, princess, you're the politically astute one. I wield my sword as you wield your intellect."

"Both can be deadly."

"I couldn't agree more."

Argella smiled, and Jaime knew her troubles had dissipated. He offered his arm, and Argella accepted it without hesitation.

"I've missed you, Jaime. I apologize for not persuading Father to cease tormenting you."

"One of the many traits you share with your father, mother, and yourself is your desire to keep me by your side always."

Argella laughed. "Sometimes I miss Casterly Rock."

Jaime fell silent. If not for the princess, he would never have set foot in Casterly Rock again as long as Tywin Lannister lived. He loved his father as any son should, but enduring his disdainful gaze as Jaime followed the princess was something he would rather live without.

"Do you not like it there, Jaime? Even when you were accompanying me?"

"It wasn't you who I complained about, princess."

"But you prefer it here."

"I am a knight of the Kingsguard. Wherever the King commands me to go, I will go."

"What about what you want?"

"I want to take Cersei to Essos. There, we could live as husband and wife, and no one would know the truth. We could start anew and be happy." He would've answered, but couldn't- wouldn't dare. That is his secret, one that he shall take to his grave and into the depths of the Seven Hells.

"I learned long ago not to yearn for things that are unlikely to happen." He answered, it did not satisfy the princess though.

"If you weren't a member of the Kingsguard, would you have desired marriage?"

"I never considered marriage. When I was younger, all I cared about was swords. Then, the King Aerys Targaryen appointed me to the Kingsguard, and I never had the opportunity to ponder the possibility, either because I was too young to care or not allowed to."

"Would you have married? To whom?"

"There's only one woman I have loved, princess. She's long been married and has borne her lord husband numerous children."

"Why this sudden interest in marriage?"


Jaime locked eyes with her. He had long discovered that if he did so, Argella would divulge the truth.

She sighed.

"I believe I will marry for reasons beyond mere love, reasons that elude my comprehension."

"You're a princess."

"Indeed. I am a princess. My duty lies with my father, my mother, and the realm. Whichever house or cause I align myself with must be for the common good and benefit."

"Do you wish to marry for love?"

"I love my father, my mother, my brothers, and my sister. I love you too, Uncle Jaime. Is that not reason enough for me to marry for love?"

"That's not what I meant."

"That's the only meaning I comprehend. I love my family, and I will do everything in my power to keep us all safe and secure."

Jaime gazed at her, at this girl burdened with the weight of the world. Something troubled her, Jaime could tell. If she wished to confide in him, she would. And the fact that she spoke in riddles suggested she couldn't. Jaime couldn't decide what to do.

"If that burden becomes too heavy to bear, allow me to bear it for you, princess. I am a Kingsguard. It is my duty to protect you and your family."

"Unfortunately, Ser, not every problem can be solved with violence."

Argella reached up to kiss his cheeks, and Jaime felt her soft lips graze against his skin. His heart pounded against his chest.

Argella smiled and softly spoke, "Goodnight, Jaime," before leaving him standing outside her bedroom door, bewildered and flushed. He decided he would be taking a bath tonight.

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