VII. My Mother's Daughter

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As she read the words, uncertainty gripped Argella, her chest pounding with doubt.

The plan was set: on the night of her nameday celebration, she would ask her father to release Jaime from his oath and allow a marriage between them. It was what she desired, yet Argella couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty.

"Princess," Lord Arryn's voice interrupted her thoughts.

Argella shifted her gaze from Tywin's letter to meet his scrutinizing eyes. He couldn't miss the unease on her face, nor the letter hastily concealed behind her.

"My lord," she acknowledged.

"I've heard you enjoy riding. Would you care to join me for an afternoon ride beyond the castle?" he proposed.

"Yes, of course," Argella replied, her uncertainty evident. Yet, she trusted Jon Arryn's loyalty to her father.

After the council dispersed, accompanied by Arys Oakheart, Argella made her way back to her chambers. 

Ser Arys nodded, "I'll inform the stables, your highness."

"Thank you."

Entering her room, they found her ladies still engrossed in their sewing.

Following the draining meeting, Argella dismissed her attendants, granting them leave for the day.

"I'll summon you when needed," she assured them, met with a chorus of gratitude.

Feeling drained, Argella sought rest before the afternoon excursion.

Clad in her riding attire, she proceeded to the stables. Anticipation filled her as she entered the rustic space.

With a cheerful smile, the stable boy brought her horse to her. Argella couldn't help but be captivated by its beauty—a pale mare, undoubtedly the most enchanting in the stables.

As she prepared to mount, Arys joined her side. Together, they ventured towards the gates, where Lord Arryn awaited. He stood with only one guard, whom she recognized as Ser Hugh, a knight of the Vale.

"Thank you for accepting my invite, Princess Argella."

"The pleasure is mine, my Lord Hand," she replied with a gracious nod.

The trio set off, the rhythmic sound of hooves resonating as they embarked on the afternoon ride, weaving through the paths beyond the castle walls.

They took off with Jon Arryn leading, and she followed behind. Argella enjoys riding in the morning, observing the smallfolk as they gradually begin their day.

Argella's eyes traced the familiar streets as they rode through the city.

"Are we not riding on a plain field, my lord?" she inquired.

"No, we're visiting someone, and I'd like for you to meet him," replied Lord Arryn.

Argella exchanged a glance with Arys, curiosity flickering in their eyes as they continued to follow Lord Arryn.

They soon found themselves on the bustling Street of Steel.

"Do you have a need for a new steel, Lord Hand?" Arys inquired, his hand gripping the hilt of his sword.

"No, ser. But the princess might," Lord Arryn answered, gesturing towards Argella.

"I don't mean you any harm, princess," Jon Arryn assured as he offered assistance for her to dismount.

Argella smiled, accepting his help. "I shall put that to the test, my lord," she said, anticipation lingering in the air as they ventured into the heart of the city.

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