Act 2, Chapter 2

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For both Gregory and Christophe it was confusing.

Christophe didn't expect to be invited to his house so randomly.

Of course, he's been there before.

But, only like once or twice.

And that was because he was picking up Gregory to go to the local shooting range for his 10th birthday.

He'd never been inside before.

Gregory didn't even know why either.

He knew he liked Christophe, but he kept on denying it.

He loved Wendy.


He was supposed to love Wendy.

But, how could you still trust someone so much if they tried keeping you from having friends around?

Wendy was so controlling.

No wonder why Stan finally stopped getting dumped by her and started focusing on other things.

For example, Kyle.

But, yes.

Gregory just wanted Christophe now.

Though, he couldn't just randomly say, "Oh, Chris? I like you, more than a friend."

Nope. That'd be too awkward.

Instead, he should just act like himself.

Just a tiny bit more flirty.

But, Gregory's thoughts were interrupted when the 3rd period bell rang.

Christophe rubbed his eyes quickly before putting up his sketches of whatever came to mind in his bookbag.

He was getting better at drawing.

Then, he grabbed his schedule.

"Hey Greg? Do you know where class K-5 is?"

Gregory looked down at Christophe's schedule.

"Schedule switch? I go to that class next. I'll bring you."

Christophe smiled at Gregory as he gave him and fist bump and got up to go to their next class.

And, of course it had to be the class Wendy was in.

Yayaya new chapter at 6 am bc my baby sister woke me up and I now babysitting her while my parents sleep!

#babysitter4babies #actuallysitting on babies

Anyways, how was your day? Mine's just started.

I hope you lieked dis chapter.

I probs make another one soon after. ❤❤

Anyways, ILYSM.



Caught My Eye :| Gregory x Christophe :| South ParkHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin