Act 2, Chapter 3

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Christophe and Gregory were walking into the classroom when they caught Wendy flirting with a boy.

Gregory was surprised, but didn't really care, Wendy was known for being a whore.

And she sure acted like one too when she saw Gregory talking to Christophe.

She immediately pushed away the boy and started walking in their direction.

She quickly wrapped her arms around Gregory's right arm.

"Hey, Christophe? Shouldn't you be getting to your class instead of following MY boyfriend around?"

Gregory looked at Wendy.

"Love, Christophe got a schedule change. He was put in here."

Wendy scowled at Christophe when Gregory wasn't looking, mouthing the words, "Back off" .

Christophe didn't care at all.

But, he knew Wendy very well.

She would do something unforgivable.

So, when Gregory walked away, Christophe started recording the audio of Wendy behind his back.

"What did I tell you about him? I told you to back off!"

Christophe rolled his eyes.

"Well, why did you tell him that I yelled at you when you yelled at me?"

Christophe's tone sounded surprisingly calm.

"Because, I need him to start hating you!"

Wendy growled angrily.

"Okay. Let me get this straight. I'm Greg's best friend. I've known him longer than you. Besides, if your jealous of me and his relationship, then maybe you shouldn't be dating him."

Just when Wendy was about to hit him, he immediately grabbed her hand by the wrist and glared at her, not saying a single word.

"I'm telling Gregory about this!"

Christophe let her go and she immediately ran to Gregory.

He then grabbed his phone out and sent the audio to Gregory's phone.

But, for the rest of the day.

Christophe wouldn't speak to neither one of them.

No matter what.

Or, at least he thought.

Hehehe cliffhanger😉😉

Y'know, I don't usually plan stories like these.

I just go with the flow.

But I have a good plan😈😈

I no tell though!

I love you all! ❤❤



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