Act 3, Chapter 2

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Gregory knew that Wendy was hooking up with someone.

But, he also was going to hook up with someone.

And that someone was going his beloved best friend, Christophe.

"Can we meet at Stark's Pond?"

Wendy agreed.

"I'm bringing someone with me, if that's fine."

Gregory knew that it was her hook up for the day.

"Yeah, I'll be bringing Christophe."

Wendy went silent for a minute before speaking.


A few minutes later, they arrived at the pond where Wendy and Jimmy were.

(For context, Jimmy had an entire glow up, and with enough physical therapy, he didn't need his support beams anymore. And, he eventually learned how to speak without stuttering so much.)

Wendy looked immediately angry once she saw Christophe.

Jimmy smiled at the two.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

Gregory stayed silent for a minute.

"Well..I think we should break up."

Jimmy raised an eyebrow.

"Wendy, you said you broke up with Gregory for a while now..?"

Christophe looked confused and Wendy looked at all three of them with rage.

"Shut up Jimmy!"

Wendy then turned to Gregory and Christophe.

"It's because of that little shit right there, isn't it?"

Gregory looked a bit more angrier.

"Wendy, we are trying to be kind over here. I'm telling you that I want to break up because of this."

Wendy was going to slap Gregory before Christophe intervened.

Don't get me wrong, Christophe was a VERY short boy.

He was 15 and he was literally barely 5'0.

But, Christophe was strong.

Like, very strong.

When he was 8, he took down a 13 year old.

And, he was literally 4'1 feet tall.

But, anyways..

Christophe grabbed her wrist for the second time today.

And he was slowly breaking it with a terrifying glare to her.


Christophe just kept on grasping harder and was slowly digging into her skin.

Jimmy was speechless, but Christophe caught his eye and signalled him to go.

And he did.

"Chris! Let go of her, please!"

Christophe squeezed her tightly one last time before letting her go.

Wendy held her arm while Christophe crossed his arms.

"Go on about what you were saying, Greg."

Gregory cleared his throat.

"We are over, Wendy."

And with that, Gregory turned away and Christophe shortly following after, but not before flipping off Wendy.

Wendy stood there.

Upset, cold, tired, and hurt.

Then, Bebe caught her attention.

"Hey girly pop, you good?"

Wendy looked tired and just ended up hugging Bebe tightly and resting her head on her shoulder.

"I fucked up, Babe.."

Bebe blushed at her nickname.

"Would you like to come home with me?"

Wendy looked up at Bebe.


Bro- should I like make a Bebe x Wendy book next??

We need some lesbians here😃

I need y'all opinions❤

Anyways, I'm bored for no reason.

So, like this book might go by quickly cuz I have like 3743883376 hours to do it.

But, it's because I'm at my dad's and I can't do what I want to do 😭😭

But anyways, I love you all so much!!



(I need to find a good outro)

Caught My Eye :| Gregory x Christophe :| South ParkWhere stories live. Discover now