Chapter one

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This is a story about me the calm and crazy serial killer and my psycho serial killer parents and also a championship cup this is going to be complicated to tell...

I'm Malia Shaidai Akkar Black I'm sixteen and You see from a blind eye, My life looks normal but when you find out the sick and twisted tale about my parents. You will be shocked and fucked up just like I was when I found out I was adopted and that my real parents were also murderers like me they Committed over forty murders together most of them at Diamond High in Modesto, California.

Bonnie black and Joshua Black were the IT couple of the nineties My dad was a jock the best basketball player on the team and My mum was head cheerleader cheering on the jocks at games which is how they met. They were both on the basketball court after school hours and were going to try to kill each other without knowing. 

Dad started his plan as they were both sitting on the stands on the sides of the court "Care to dance?" he said hoping she would say yes "Why of course." they got off the stands and walked onto the court and started slow dancing when dad was about to grab his knife from his back pocket in his jeans... IT WAS GONE?! Dad started to scan the whole court and the stands to see if he had dropped it till Mum said "Looking for this?" she said putting the knife to his throat "Wow babe I like you already and we just met." he said smiling and she scoffed "you were going to try to kill me?" he spun her around and leaned her back into a dance finishing pose "I'll make you a deal, we can work together since we both had to kill each other in mind lets kill someone else okay?" he brought her back up and she handed him the knife "Deal handsome." 

I personally would love to explain all the murders they committed but it would take me months to read all the diaries Mum wrote about all the murders since she couldn't go to therapy, but seriously Mum dumb mistake of leaving evidence saying you murdered all these people but luckily she hid them well and even though my parents did get caught it wasn't because of the diaries, Anyways lets focus on the first ever kill together. Her name was Alice Kwonzik, she was The biggest slut at Diamond High and tried to steal my dad from my mum so my parents Bonnie and Joshua decided to kill her... I'm not going to lie to you never thought I'd hear myself say that sentence. This was the plan:

Dad lured her with his charm by asking her out on a date to the Diamond drive-in. When the time was right Dad said to Alice "This movie is boring, wanna go drive up to the hill and we can do some other stuff?" he said putting his hand on her thigh... sorry for interrupting again BUT DAD WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL EW sorry, sorry continuing...  they drove up to the hill with mum in the car behind following them. Dad parked close to the edge and took his seat belt off "So Alice are you ready?" she smirked "Ready for what?" she said giggling "To die." a voice from behind said... Alice turned in panic and it was mum "AH Bonnie you..." Before she could finish her sentence Dad slapped her head so hard to knock her out for a while.

They got her out of the car and leaned her on a tree. once she was stable on the tree Mum slapped her so hard she woke up "OH MY GOD BONNIE WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" Mum started laughing like a manic with Dad "This is what happens when you fuck with me and try to steal my husband." Mum took the knife and sliced her head off, While Mum was putting Alice's head on the large long stick they were planning to leave for the police Dad threw her body in the lake that was just below the hill. 

Mum and Dad sat on the top of the car "Husband? Really?" Dad said laughing "What I couldn't think of anything else." Dad thought about something and smiled "Want to make it official Darling?" she looked at him "No you're not being serious." Dad got off the car and went inside and got a small box with a blue diamond ring "Will you marry me, Bonnie?" Mum screamed yes and they signed papers the next day and they were officially married "WERE MARRIED JOSHUA!" she said screaming at the top of her lungs in school the week after they committed the murder.

This was the week the police found Alice after she had been missing for a week. When the police officers saw her head Decapitated from her head they were disgusted and then after an hour they discovered her body in the lake which had already started to rot and had a disgusting smell. The whole city was talking about the mysterious murder of Alice Kwonzik, if there was going to be another murder, if there was more then one killer, and the biggest question, WHO DID IT?

After they're killing spree they decided to settle down and have a child before they're big finale, After I was born they wanted to give me a name that stood out which is why my name is Malia Shaidai Akkar Black. Malia meaning: Calm. Shaidai meaning: Crazy. Akkar meaning: killer. (My parents had an obbsession with arabic names.) My name meaning doesn't make sense, Calm and Crazy? yeah but it does describe me I have a calm side and a crazy side so maybe they were right that but it would be such a good headline in a newspaper....


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