Chapter four

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Malia's POV

Cole and Jake shouted from the kitchen, "Zack get the shit out for the party!" Zack didn't reply and just started getting cups and snacks from the storage cupboard. I sat on the sofa and went on my phone until I got a text from an unknown number

"Come outside at midnight or we will take you by force." I thought someone was pranking me "Haha I'm so scared shut the fuck up, bro." I got left on read by the person on the other end so I decided to ignore it.

Around ten, everyone started showing up and the house was packed full of people, I went up to my room, and the door was locked "UGH GREAT now people are fuckin on my bed." I went downstairs and found Zack playing beer pong and he was drunk already 'Lightweight.' I thought, "HEYYYY MALIAAAA!" Zack said screaming. I put his arm around my shoulders he tried to kiss me

"WHAT THE FUCK ZACK?!" I said pissed "COME ON MALIA STOP LEADING ME ON I WANT YOU AND YOU KEEP IGNORING ME." he said making an angry face and shoving my arm off of him I grabbed him again and started pushing past everyone to get up stairs and too his room.

I opened the door and the room was empty thank god I helped on the bed and I stood up staring at him and he smiled like an evil smile, "Your going to die." my eyebrows frowned "What?" He got up and I looked away and he pulled me back and it was my dad "Your going to die princess if you don't win it." my jaw dropped "Dad? win what?" he smirked "Why the cup of course sweetheart." he said giving me a kiss on my forehead and I snapped out of it,

'Not again Malia' I quickly looking round the room and no one but Zack and I was there. I looked at Zack one last time and planted a kiss on his forehead while he slept. I walked out his room shutting the door behind me and went downstairs. I ran into jake who saw what happened and came to talk, "Are you okay Malia? I saw what happened earlier." I gave Jake a hug he made me feel safe as a brother. "Yeah I'm fine I think I just need a drink."

we walked over and Jake offered to make my drink and I let him but every time he tried to add Alcohol I shook my head, Jake walked over confused "So you just want Lemonade?" I smiled and nodded my head taking the red cup out of his hand. After what I thought had been thirty minutes I felt sick so I went headed to the front door for some fresh air and Jake stopped me, "Woah where are you going." he said pulling my by my arm, I laughed and he let me go "I'm not drunk it's just hot in here I'll be back in two." he nodded and I walked out the door.

I closed the front door and sat on the steps when I saw a letter with my name on it. I picked up the letter and it had been closed with a black wax stamp and the design of the wax stamp had a Person being stabbed with a knife in the chest "What the fuck is this?" I opened the letter and it read as follows:

Dear miss Malia Shaidai Akkar Black

Your application letter for the Krillers Championship has been accepted, You will learn a lot in this school and you will forget to love your old life. Your new life is Krillers and only Krillers, You will be picked up in a black limo and will be taken to the school of Krillers which is the Crase. The rest of everything you need to know will be explained on the way to The Crase, See you soon...

A limo pulled up outside the house and I was so confused so I got up to see who it was. Three people came out the limo, two muscular bulk men who had Black and White suits on and dark hair, they also had Black glasses and on the lenses there was moving letters which became more clearer as they walked closer they said krillers in white writing moving across the lenses.

the women, she had long black straight hair, Bright hazel eyes and tanned skin. She was tall and felt familiar the more I looked. "Now Malia should we do this the easy way of the hard way?" I tried to run away and she said, "Hard way it is, boys?"

both of the men grabbed me one arm each and I screamed, "AAAHHHH LET GO OF ME!" then they started walking towards the car and the front door opened, It was Jake. he saw them and he shouted "GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER."

but he was too slow, they threw me in the car, got in the front seat and drove off. "FUCK." Jake shouted falling to his knees with his hands on his head. I saw him on the ground as we drove off.

"What are you doing? just let me go." I said "Its nice to see you again Malia." She said smiling grabbing my chin and moving my face to look at me. "Who are you? I recognize you." I said curiously, "Silly, silly girl. I'm Jasmine black, your Mother's sister."...

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