Chapter two

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That sidetracked me a bit back to the story I was telling. I was born on May the twenty-first of two thousand and seven. my parents spent every minute with me and didn't trust me with anyone, They looked after me till I was six Which is when they executed the big finale.

They dropped me off at my auntie's house with all my essentials like photos, old memories, and my mum's diaries, my parents went back to where they killed Alice, Stood in front of one another, and were going to shoot each other in the hearts

"Are you ready Babe?" Dad asked Mum "Mhm see you in the afterlife. I love you, Joshua." He smiled "I love you, Bonnie." and they shot each other in the heart and fell into the lake quite ironic if you ask me. They knew if they didn't kill themselves they would end up in prison and they would rather face death together than be in prison alone.

My school life is well uh bad like really bad people say things like and I quote "PSYCHO KILLER, MURDERER, YOUR PARENTS DESERVED TO DIE." those are just some of the insults. It does hurt to hear this stuff because I have to deal with it and my parents but it's okay It eventually dies down but then it starts up again so it's not okay but what can I do? Nothing.

My friends Jake, Zack, Cole, Sophie, and Nicole were the only people I was close to, My other friends just wanted to be friends with me because of my adopted parents who were the CEO'S of the biggest franchise in the world. The GoldMores was a bank that gave free money to people who invested in the stock markets or something. They did want me to go by their last name more but I kept my last name to black how could I change it I had to keep my legacy up.

There was an abandoned house nearby and every break and lunch even sometimes after school we stayed there and we redecorated it, everything was new sometimes Nicole and Jake would go to hookup even though they were dating stupid I know.

Sophie and Cole had been together since the start of school and their parents did not approve of them being together so they would also meet in the house because it was like a second home we were there all the time. Zack and I had a history. Don't really want to go into it but we had a really close friendship, He wanted to take it further I didn't it's that simple.

In English, I sat next to Jake, We had been friends since Kinder Garden and our parents were close when we were kids so that automatically made our bond closer. When we turned thirteen our families started to have family dinners together every Friday and today is Friday great. "Hey, Malia." Jake said in a happy tone, "Wassup Jake." I said unbothered. He sat down and smiled "Wow you seem more dead than usual."

I sighed "Mhm." he knew why instantly "Thinking about your parents?" I looked him dead in the eyes "Shhh but yes." he gave me a hug, You see the only people who knew about my real parents were Sam and Lee my adopted parents, and my friends.

No one in school knew which I was happy with until last year and that's when the names started. How everyone found out was worse than them actually knowing, It was the nineteenth of October two thousand twenty-two, The night my parents died ten years ago. me and Zack was walking to my locker to get my bio book and there it was, Spray painted on my locker in blood red spray paint "She's not as quiet and innocent as she pretends to be! Just look at her killer parents!"

Stuck on the locker under the spray paint was an article, It was an article about the black murders with my parent's photos plastered on the front. I ran off in a river of tears. Zack pissed off ripped the paper off the locker and looked around "WHAT ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT? GET THE FUCK TO CLASS." Zack was the popular guy but he was also the bad boy and he hated to see any of us hurt especially me. Zack ran after me down the hall, I was going to the house and he pulled me back by my arm.

"Hey are you okay?" he said still holding my arm "I'm fine I'm going to the house." I said trying to walk away but he didn't let me leave, "Let me come with you." he said I could tell he was worried and wanted to be with me but I shut him out I needed to be alone, "No Zack stay here." I said and I walked right out of the school doors.

Again I'm sidetracking, Me, Jake, and English we had to write an Essay on a personal matter. Jake turned to me and said with a Confident voice, "DON'T write about it remember what happened in middle school. We don't want you to go through that again okay?" I was glad I had my friends, especially Jake because he always cared for me he is like the brother I never had.

"I know I won't." another side track I'M SORRY but in middle school, I made a big mistake about writing a personal essay about my parents and the teacher left my personal essay out and some of the kids in my class had gotten hold of it and that obviously escalated to my whole year finding out. Sam and Lee were pissed and sued the school for nearly over a million dollars even though we were rich, It was insane...

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