Chapter three

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No more sidetracking okay I promise I think. I decided to write about the day I found out I was going to get a scholarship and it didn't take long thankfully. After that, I decided to go to the house to make food and also skip class. 

I entered the house "Hello?" I got no reply so I walked into the kitchen and started to make a sandwich, I grabbed a kitchen knife and I saw my dad's reflection in the knife. I sound crazy I know but he smiled and said "Hey My little Princess." I panicked and dropped the knife. I was a little on edge and when I heard the door open I got paranoid.

"Hello?" and the kitchen door opened and it was Zack, "Hey Malia, What are you making?" I smiled "I'm making sandwiches, Want one?" He glanced at me and then the knife "Sure and let me just take this." He took the knife and plunged it into my chest. "Zack what the fuck..." "Malia pass the tomatoes." I snapped out of it and passed him the fruit. "Sorry, I zoned out." We finish making the sandwiches and sit on the couch and watch Love Island. 

After sitting with Zack for a while I went upstairs to the bathroom and then the bedrooms thank god this house had four bedrooms, One for Nicole and Jake, one for Sophie and Cole, and Zack and I had our own rooms. I sat on my bed and was thinking about us all and how we were all so different but we were so close, I was quite quiet and I mostly kept to myself my black hair and tanned skin helped me blend in with the crowd but my Light hazel eyes are what stood out about me.

Then there's Nicole she was your basic white girl she was confident and was friends with everyone, she had blonde hair and blue eyes and was obsessed with fashion, every day she would be wearing something more stylish than the day before. Sophie was the smart one and was set to go to Harvard which Is why her parents didn't want her dating Cole, She had Light brown hair and green eyes.

Then there are the boys, Zack was the popular and bad boy as I mentioned before he had black hair and he had pale skin with dark brown eyes, Zack was rude to everyone but me he had a soft spot for me because everyone says such rude things about me and he cares for me.

 Cole is the male version of Sophie which is why they're together, Cole is very smart and was probably going to also go to Harvard, He had light brown hair and dark green eyes. Last but not least was Jake, My best friend He was the chilled out one and didn't care about much, Jake had Brown hair and Hazel eyes like me. He was someone who was close to me and like my therapist. 

I heard footsteps outside and Zack sat next to me, "Why you bunking?" I sighed "I just didn't feel like going class." he gave me a side eye, "No your lying." he said looking into my eyes. "I'm not." I said blankly and he got annoyed "Come on tell me" I stayed silent, "If you don't tell me I'm going to attack you this is a warning." I smirked "Go ahead."

 Zack Picked me up and threw me on his shoulder and started to run around the room and I started to scream "OKAYYYYY IM SORRRYYYY PUTT ME DOWNNN!" I started laughing like a maniac from how fast he was running "Hmmm I don't think so." he kept running till he got tired and slipped and we both came crashing down laughing. Some how he ended up on top of me and we were staring in each other's eyes he tried going for a kiss and I snapped out of it and got up.

"What's wrong Malia?" he said getting up "Zack we are friends I don't want to fuck that up okay I'm sorry if me saying no is making you mad but I'm saving our friendship." I said walking downstairs and he stayed quiet. I saw Jake and Cole coming in the door, "hey guys." the looked at me and Zack coming down the stairs together, "Um what were you two doing upstairs." they said smirking "Nothing." I said coming down the stairs.

Zack's POV

I had come back to the house early since I finished my science work in the library and the lights were on so someone was home "Hello?" I heard a voice coming from the kitchen, it was Malia.

"Hey Malia, what are you making?" she looked so beautiful, her hair was shiny and her eyes twinkling in the reflection of the light. "I'm making sandwiches, want one?" I smiled "Sure, Pass the tomatoes." She didn't say anything "Malia pass the tomatoes." She blinked and looked over at me weird "Sorry I zoned out." We sat in the living room and ate our sandwiches watching love island. 

Once Malia finished her sandwich she sat watching tv and then went upstairs, I assumed she went to the bathroom so I continued watching tv. why was she taking so long I thought "Zack you idiot." I said getting up and going upstairs. I saw her sitting on her bed and went into her room. Malia saw me and I sat next to her.

"Why you bunking?" I asked concerned "I just didn't feel like going to class." she said sighing, I gave her a side eye to try make her laugh. "No your lying." I said trying to get her to tell me. "I'm not." she said like she was empty. "Come on tell me." I got no reply "If you don't tell me I'm going to attack you this is a warning." she smirked and said "Go ahead."

I picked her up and threw her on my shoulder laughing as I heard her say, "OKAYYYY IM SORRY PUTT ME DOWWNN!" she started to laugh like a crazy lady "Hmmm I don't think so" I said and I started to run faster. I got tired and fell taking Malia down with me both of us laughing like psychopaths. I loved her laugh it made me feel happy when she was happy.

Some how I ended up on top of her and I tried to kiss her but she got up and leaving me all hope gone, "What's wrong Malia?" I said getting up "Zack we are friends I don't want to fuck that up okay I'm sorry if me saying no is making you mad but I'm saving our friendship." she said in such a stern voice. I was speechless, She had never said anything like that before.

Malia walked downstairs and I followed her to see Jake and Cole "Hey guys." they looked at me and Malia coming downstairs together and I started to signal them to not say anything by waving my arms in a cross form but they asked anyways. 

 "Um what were you two doing upstairs." they said smirking "Nothing." She said walking down, Once she walked away they spoke. "Nice one guys." they started laughing "So you finally got her eh?" I rolled my eyes "Not yet, but I will."...

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