The Unexpected Guest

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Location: Hillside Modern House, Monaco

Y/n POV:

Afterward, we headed inside and grabbed the two wine glasses and the wine itself to start our conversation, Mordred and Artoria are in their rooms at the moment but they will still listen to me and my guest, Director Olga. 

Pouring the drink and having cheers to it marks the stage where we start having conversations or rather a peaceful negotiation between me and the Organization.

Y/n *stoic and calm*: Where should we start our conversation, Director?

Director Olga: Me? I thought the house was always going to lead when it came to our conversation. Besides, you can read it with your clairvoyance with a mere glance before me.

Y/n *stoic and calm*: I prefer... A classic and professional approach Director. I could but it wouldn't be so respectable if I did it way earlier. 

 Director Olga: Okay then... Let's start with the fact that I'm a current director in a group that was funded years ago before I oversaw my position in Chaldea. 

Y/n *stoic and calm*: I see... So your father must have been a former director before he passed away right before you entered on a rightful age to claim your position right?

 Director Olga: Exactly. The true goal of Chaldea and CHALDEAS is to defend and save human extinction which is predicted to be in 2017. It's also my father's vision before he got killed by suicide himself by pointing his gun. I don't know why but even today, I am still investigating who the killer is behind all of this.

 Y/n *stoic and calm*: Doing this because of your late father's vision and dreams to be fulfilled right? 

 Director Olga: Yeah... And the question here is what your main purpose is after you killed Stan Edgar who looks like Gus Fring. 

 Y/n *stoic and calm*: You mean the chicken man from the Breaking Bad. Yeah...  Still finding one after they took my family, close ones, my life, my identity, and even my car for fuck sake... 

Director Olga: Losing someone hurts right? Even with all that power of yours somehow you felt empty like a husk. Even I can't escape it and all of us can't.

 Y/n *stoic and calm*: It's our nature as human beings to feel like that however we still need to move on and find purpose.

 Director Olga: Even then... You are still finding your purpose, aren't you? 

 Y/n *stoic and calm*: As honestly sounds, yeah! Yes, it is...

 Director Olga: So that's why you have two servants summoned around right?

  Y/n *stoic and calm*: Yes... 

 Director Olga: Then let's go back to the topic since we're somewhat getting track of it...

 Y/n *stoic and calm*: Yes, by all means... 

Director Olga: I know that you won't get under my position as a Director but rather have a partnership that feels equal to both parties...

 Y/n *stoic and calm*: I like it. Go on...

Director Olga: What I am saying is we both know that the Vought is a threat to us and that it might create another super weapon that further surpasses servants, types, and divine beasts like you. I propose that I dispatch a team that will raid each hideout and put Vought International out of business with my connections from the government and Mage Association. 

Director Olga: Plus I will make sure that your identity is protected and even the Mage Association, Atlas Institute, the church, and the Government agencies in the US like the CIA will not hunt you down. It's a win-win for both parties including your two servants. What do you say?

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