Chapter 2

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It was finally the weekend, meaning no lectures or any work to do. Lando was someone that loved to laze around during the weekends, opting for a late morning lie in, fluffy pancakes for breakfast and watching trash television while he pestered Oscar to join in. Oscar's idea of a perfect weekend was waking up at the ass crack of dawn (more like 9:00am) for his morning walk, return to the flat to cook Lando his fluffy pancakes, ignore Lando when watching trash television before he gives in and then he is off for his afternoon run or sometimes he has a shift at the library. Sometimes, their group would go out drinking and Oscar would occasionally join, although most of the time he ended up disappearing by the end of the night only to turn up at their shared flat hours later. Lando was used to it. If anyone asked, he would respond "it's just Oscar".

Lando was very disappointed to find out that none of his friends were planning to head out drinking this week, instead spending their time with their partners and going on dates. He gagged at the thought of them all giving up clubbing for a date. Even Charles , of all people, claimed he was saving himself for the Christmas party (it was mid-November), Lando knew it was code for date night with Max without risking the relentless teasing from the younger boy. George was with Carmen. Alex was with Lily. Pierre was with Kika. Max and Charles were together. It was official, he lost all his friends to cuffing season.

Except for Oscar. He may be stuck with Oscar.

So that is where they find themselves now, Lando wrapped up in the orange blanket in their living room as he watches Extreme Couponing and Oscar is hovering like a dad who is pretending to not be interested in what you are watching.

Oscar had not long returned from his run and cooked their pancakes with a spacey look on his face. He had seemed a little out of it, Lando having caught him chewing his lip when the Aussie thought he was not looking. He could occasionally hear low mutters coming from Oscar, with plates banging and pots falling, now that was unlike him. Oscar brushed him off when asked about it and claimed he needed some caffeine in his body. The answer did nothing to soothe his concern. If he didn't want to talk, Lando would not make him.

It was not often that Oscar appeared like this. Out of the two, Oscar had always been the calmer and more collected one, the straightforward, emotionless one. While Lando wore his heart on his sleeve and expressed all emotions to the world, Oscar was better at hiding them or perhaps expressing them in a subtler way. Which is why it was worrying whenever Lando could see concerning emotions on Oscar, especially when he would sometimes come home and run straight to his room without a greeting to Lando. That was only on his really bad days, when Lando had to coax him out of the room with the promise of ordering pizza and letting him pick their next game or movie.

But it was fine. It was Oscar, this was who he was. If he wanted to talk, Lando knew he would.

Lando heard slight shuffling behind him, like the sound was being concealed as though not to be caught. He didn't even need to look up to Oscar to know he was there. "Hey, Oscar~". He twisted his head now to meet the younger boy's face. "Finally caving in? I think you'll enjoy this one more than Say Yes to the Dress." He said with a smirk.

Confirming his suspicion that the Australian was acting like a typical dad, Oscar moved so he stood directly in front of the sofa with his arms crossed over his chest, intently watching. His spacey look had left now, left with his pale glistening skin and a focused gaze. "So what? The shop owes them money now? That's insane! How the hell does the shop owe them $0.10? Americans get away with so much, mate. I'm gonna have to ask Logan about this."

Ah, Logan.

Oscar and Logan met in their second year of university at a party that Lando once again dragged him to. They had clicked instantly, bonding over them both coming from different countries and being new to the London scene. 'Barely new', Lando had scoffed to himself, 'you've both been here a year!' Oscar had spent the rest of the party getting to know Logan before Oscar inevitably had to leave and eventually started hanging out with him. It had eaten into his time with Lando to begin with, sparking jealousy whenever the Australian brought him up. He had gotten pretty used to it by now, Still, he did not want to hear about Logan.

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