Chapter 38 - Del

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Unable to stay in the room alone for much longer, Del left. He had work to do and preparing his men was at the front of his mind. Del's feet took him to the barracks without a second thought. He passed through the training grounds and mess hall, quickly checking on his men's progression. They were getting stronger. Most were ready for battle; the others would have only two days to catch up. Sighing, Del entered the barracks. Some of his men approached him smiling and speaking to him briefly before walking out towards the training grounds. Del didn't have time to spare speaking to his men, though normally he would easily lose himself in idle conversation with them. His gaze was locked on a man at the back of the barracks. Captain Rhodes stood speaking to a small group of men. Del stood waiting for Captain Rhodes to finish before approaching him. When the men dispersed, Del approached and clasped his hand onto Captain Rhodes shoulder. Rhodes turned and looked at Del smiling.

"Ramsey," Del said. "How are the men doing today?"

"They're good, general. The new soldiers are progressing quickly." Ramsey said smiling. Ramsey Rhodes was a man in his thirties with signs of aging on his face. He had long brown hair that was pulled back and a thick beard covered the lower half of his face. His armor was like the other knights but instead of being black metal, it was bronze.

"That's good to hear." Del motioned for Ramsey to follow him as he walked out of the barracks into the castle grounds. "We are going to war." Del stated his hands clasped behind his back. "Gather the men and prepare them for a march south." Ramsey nodded.

"Where are we going?" Ramsey asked.

"Gresa first. Resua second and Sirenas third." Ramsey nodded.

"I will prepare the men. When do we leave?"

"Two days. Prepare the crossbows and chariots. We will need everything we have to take control of Gresa." Ramsey nodded.

"Yes, general." Ramsey said. The pair stopped. Del turned to his captain.

"This will be the first battle for many of the men. Prepare them for the sights they will see." Del said.

"Of course, general."

"If all goes well, you may see improvement in your rank," Del said smiling at his young prodigy. "Consider this your final assessment in becoming an Uska General,"

"Yes, sir," Ramsey replied. Del nodded as Ramsey walked off back the way they came. Del continued his walk through the courtyard until he reached a set of houses at the back of the palace grounds. The courtyard was void of any color or flower. Winter had come and snuffed out any life that once inhabited the courtyard. A small house sat in the back of the courtyard. It was the only thing seemingly not made of stone or dirt. The walls were made of light wood while the roof was nearly black. There were windows on either side of the door with curtains covering them. Del approached the building and knocked on it, waiting for permission to enter. After a moment the door opened revealing Najuma. She had a warm smile on her face as she welcomed the general.

"General!" She said happily. Del bowed.

"Your majesty," he said. Najuma shook her head and held the door open, stepping aside.

"Please come in." Del stood up and entered the small building. Inside paintings covered every surface, some finished and others barely started. Del stood in the center of the room as Najuma walked forward and took a seat at one of the half-finished paintings. She began to work as she spoke. "What brings you to my secret hideaway?"

"I wanted to speak with you about our plans for Gresa, ma'am." Del said. Najuma nodded, humming in response.

"You know my wife is the one who handles war plans, not me."

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