Chapter 40 - Sybil

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Sybil sat up, rubbing her eyes thankful for a dreamless night. Her head throbbed and her body felt weary. Crying herself to sleep did little to help relieve the exhaustion flowing through her. Pink and orange light poured into the room as the sun rose above the horizon, the grey clouds temporarily absent. Sybil moved her legs off the bed and pushed a few loose strands of hair from her face. She looked up as the door opened and Shepard stood staring at her, four guards behind him. Shepard wore his usual black and gold clothing with a smile on his face.

"Good morning," he said. "It's time to go." Sybil said nothing as she grabbed the coat from the floor and stood up. She pulled the coat on as she walked out of her temporary room. Sybil said nothing as she was surrounded by guards and led down the grim hallway. The guards led her down an endless sea of halls and stairs before they finally reached the throne room. Sybil looked to see the queens speaking quietly to each other near the thrones as she passed through. The queens glanced up to the sound of them entering, whatever words they were speaking dying on their lips. Najuma gave Sybil a warm smile though it brought the woman no comfort. Sybil nodded, keeping her face neutral as she continued to walk out of the palace and into the courtyard.

The cold winter air whipped around her like a cyclone. Sybil pulled the coat closer to her body, shivering. The courtyard was full of men packing carts with crates and weapons. Sybil looked at the soldiers as they prepared to leave their home and go to war. People spoke in hushed voices as they worked. Her eyes moved forward looking at the small group of men they were heading to. General Del was speaking to a man she didn't know, a small group of soldiers tending to horses around them. Shepard kept a steady pace as he approached the group motioning for their escorts to disperse.

"You will ride alongside General Del and Captain Rhodes." Shepard said. Sybil nodded and approached the horse whose reins were held out to her. As she took the reins, she reached out letting the animal sniff her hand before beginning to pet its head.

"Shepard," a voice called out. "Glad to see you got Sybil to her horse." Sybil glanced at Del as he walked over to the pair, a man trailing behind him. Del turned to Sybil and smiled at her. "This is Captain Ramsey Rhodes." Del motioned to the man next to him. "My second in command."

"It's a pleasure," Captain Rhodes said, nodding his head. Sybil only nodded in response.

"You best be heading to your carriage, Shepard. We are leaving soon. Wouldn't want you to be left behind." Del said. Shepard bit back a glare and half nodded.

"General," Shepard said before turning and walking off. Sybil smiled as Shepard left irritation in his step.

"I assume you know how to ride a horse," Del said.

"I do," Sybil said, nodding.

"Good," Del looked to his men as they mounted their horses and began pulling carts out of the palace gates. Sybil turned and mounted her horse. She waited for Del to begin riding before she urged her horse forward.

The war party walked out of the palace grounds and down the stone bridge. The sound of thousands of feet stomping echoed through the mountains. A grey sky welcomed the massive hoard of silver men. White clouds obscured the sun making it seem like it was nearly nightfall. The morning sunrise was gone and Sybil guessed she wouldn't see it for a very long time. Sybil looked at the men in front of her. There were thousands of men dressed in armor, some holding banners, others holding massive shields in front of them. They walked with a mournful stride. Each one knowing they may never return home. And yet none of them let their thoughts take control of their bodies. Each man walked with his back straight and head held high. Soon they reached the village. The villagers knew the war party was coming. Every man, woman and child stood outside saying goodbye to the men. Each individual held an offering as the war party passed them. Some held tree branches while others held hammers and pieces of metal. The children stood with their mothers holding various wooden toys or cloth dolls. It didn't take long for the party to exit the village and begin its trek into the mountains, heading south.

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