Chapter 45 - Irimē

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Nico pulled on the black and gold coat with a clear dislike on his face. The coat was clearly a symbol of Etec Shoa, Shepard had worn one similar. He forced his eyes away from the coat and onto the navy cloak. The cloak was also trimmed with gold.

"Was everything covered in gold?" Nico muttered. Irimē rolled her eyes and looked at him.

"You are welcome to use my cloak if you prefer that," she said. Her cloak was made of a thin pastel pink fabric that shinned in the light. Small diamonds were affixed to it as if they were stars in a pink sky. Nico finished tying his cloak into place and pulled the hood up. He adjusted the backpack that was hanging on his shoulder as he glanced at Irimē.

"Thanks," he said.

"You're welcome," Irimē said, smiling. "Head to the coast. You can exchange passage on a ship for work. You'll reach your destination faster that way." Nico nodded. "I contacted your crew last night. They're getting help from Moirai. They should arrive at the same time as you in Reusa." Nico nodded and began walking towards the door. He stopped when Irimē spoke. "You should know," she said, pulling Nico's full attention.

"Know what?" Nico asked, noticing her tone.

"The magic that Dhara has is strong. She won't stop until she has what she wants."

"I know," Nico said, his tone angering slightly.

"Dhara is much more powerful than you could ever imagine, but she can still be killed. If you get the chance, you have to stop her." Nico looked at the fae closely. She looked like she was mourning despite her bright clothing.

"What aren't you telling me?"

"Dhara has many powers, one of them being transference." Irimē paused looking at Nico's confused face before speaking. "She can transfer her consciousness into a different body. When that occurs the other soul is lost. If Dhara..." Irimē trailed off. "You won't be able to get her back. There is no magic that can return souls." Nico stopped.

"How..." he tried to say but he stopped. Nico took a deep breath and stayed silent.

"She is a powerful witch who has been alive for a very long time. Longer than most. She has taken her power to new heights, ones that you cannot survive the fall." Irimē sighed. "Sybil is strong but Dhara will always be stronger. The sooner you reach her the better chance you have at stopping Dhara from stealing Sybil's body." Nico grit his teeth as he listened to Irimē.

"How do I stop Dhara?" Nico asked. "How do I stop her if she takes Sybil's body?" Irimē gave Nico a sad smile as he spoke. "How do I bring Sybil back?"

"Dhara may be a witch but she still bleeds like the rest of us," Nico understood her answer. "Magic can't bring back the dead. If Dhara takes Sybil's body, she is nothing more than a walking corpse." Nico grit his teeth.

"Dhara's taken enough from me. I won't let her do it again." Nico said, hardening his voice. Irimē only nodded in response.

"If you leave now you can reach the coast in two days." Nico nodded and opened the door letting a cold breeze cut through the hut, the wind blowing Irimē's hood back slightly. She watched as Nico stepped out into the cold morning air and mounted the horse that awaited him. He rode off, disappearing into the morning fog. Irimē waved her hand, shutting the door. She took a seat and closed her eyes. Taking a breath, she focused her mind and reached out into the world. She opened her eyes to see a familiar fae sitting across from her on the cot.

"Hello," she said. Moirai smiled at Irimē as he spoke.

"Looks like you were successful," Moirai said. "He doesn't seem like the type who listens to authority." Irimē chuckled.

"You are correct," she said. "Did the sailors find you?" Moirai nodded leaning back against the wall. He pushed his hair out of his face, cut ears visible for a moment.

"Yes," he replied, looking at Irimē. "If they are friends of Sybil's then I guess they are mine as well. Whether I like it or not." Irimē shook her head.

"Nico is on his way as we speak. He should reach Reusa in two weeks time. If we are correct he will arrive at the same time as Sybil."

"And if he doesn't?"

"That's not an option. He has to get there before they can get to Sirenas. If they reach your shores, all is lost."

"I know," Moirai said. "I don't like our odds."

"It's the only chance we have."

"And you're fine with putting your trust in that man? A human at best and a sea rover at worst." Irimē cocked her eyebrow.

"He is a friend of Sybil. Are her friends not yours?"

"That doesn't mean I trust him. Last time I trusted a sea rover I got my ears sliced. I won't watch her follow in my footsteps."

"And how will you achieve that sitting in your tower?" Irimē asked.

"Who said I was in my tower?" Moirai said. Irimē's face dropped.

"Are you on the Sirens Song?" she asked quickly. Moirai smiled.

"Where else would I be? They're going to need my help if you want to pull Sybil away from the empire."

"No, they don't. Sybil is only helping them to save the boy. When she finds out they betrayed her, she will leave them." Moirai shook his head.

"Shepard is not stupid. He may be an insuferalbe brat but he is not dumb. He knows Sybil won't give them everything and when that happens he won't hold back." Moirai paused, taking a breath. "I didn't want to leave my tower. I haven't left in a hundred years and didn't plan on it anytime soon."

"You can't save her."

"I can try. It's the least I can do for her. She's already done so much for me. It's time to repay her." Irimē nodded understanding why Moirai felt he had to do this. She didn't agree with him but she didn't try to change his mind.

"Be safe," she said. Moirai nodded as his image faded away. Irimē sat alone in the room looking at the empty cot. Her mind was blank and her body was content where it was. It wasn't until the sun had begun to set did she snap out of her trance and begin heading back to the palace.

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