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March 2, 2021, 6:46am
"You're sixteen minutes late, Connor."
"Sorry sir, the bus was a bit late this morning." Connor says.
"Fine, just don't let it happen. T-"
"Do not interrupt me." The commander says, calm but forcefully, "Back to what I was saying, today you get to be a detective, the detective previously assigned this case was shot and is in the hospital so is unable to continue, unfortunately he was our only detective. Don't fuck this up Connor. Also note, you will have a mobile task force at your command."

Case: Desmond mafia
Known Personnel:
Don Desmond (Desmond mafia boss)
Arthor Alvarez
Pedro Hanson (deceased)
Rhoda Bonin (incarcerated)
Eleanor Hanson
Yang Allitt
Alicia Daggett (incarcerated)
Dominique Shaw
Tom Camargo (incarcerated)
Ted Corona
Ian Stalin
Randy Christensen
Jacque Kowalski (incarcerated)
Jeffrey Eyler
Adenoid Eyler
Norman Bonin (incarcerated)
Dean Chester
Jack Sweeney
Jeff Kirā
Andrei Hynkel
Christian Szell (incarcerated)
Ronald Umbridge (incarcerated)
Troy Jeffrey (incarcerated)
The Desmond mafia has grown in power and influence in recent years, known to sell unlicensed guns and ammunition, produce and sell counterfeit money, and produce, smuggle, and sell narcotics in the United States. Their main HQ is somewhere in Branch City. Their leader is Don Desmond. We have snuffed out 4 operations, imprisoning 8 members, there are a suspected 50+ members here in Branch City alone, thousands across Iowana, and tens of thousands across the United States. Our goal is to track down the headquarters and arrest Don. Just yesterday, Pedro Hanson, a member of the mafia, was killed, the suspected killer is Derik Smith, the location of whom is unknown. Derik is also suspected of robbery with felony murder, on top of voluntary manslaughter and 2 counts of aggravated assault.

"Holy sh-!" Connor restrains, "That... is a lot. This seems to be constantly updated too, I mean, the news about the Derik guy JUST came out a few hours ago."
"Morning." Sam says.
"Five more minutes?" Derik says in a sluggish voice.
"C'mon, it's already 11:34."
"Fiiiine, if you insist." Derik rolls his eyes then gets up off the floor, "how was the bed?"
"Eh, can't complain, how was the floor?"
"As heavenly as a demon on crack."
"That bad?"
"It didn't help that there's no carpeting." Derik says while rubbing his right side, which he slept on, "I'm gonna get some fresh air."
"'Ight." Sam says casually. Derik walks out of the door.
He sees a police car just rolling by and says "Oh shit." unsure whether or not the officer in the car saw him.
"What's up?"
"I just saw a police car, and I don't know if the officer saw me or not, we should hide." Derik says with a shocked expression and clear worry in his voice.
"Yeah, that's probably a good idea, I'm pretty sure there's a closet in the bedroom, we can hide in there."
"Smart." Derik and Sam run to the bedroom and see the closet, it has 2 sliding doors, it's not large but not too small, it's just big enough to comfortably hide in there, but not enough space to move around very easily when the doors are closed. They get in and wait a few minutes, as each agonizing second passes, the worry fades. Just as they open the doors and Sam takes a step out, they hear 3 loud bangs on the door, forceful knocking.
Then there comes a voice, "BCPD, open up!" it sounds like there's only one person, but it's hard to tell just by knocking and yelling. Sam takes a step back and they close the doors. "Open up! I know there's someone in there!"
"It looks like they only know about me, you must've been just out of sight." Derik says in a hushed voice.
"That's good, for me atleast." Sam whispers back, half joking.
"I'm coming in!" the officer yells. A split second later there are sounds of banging and splitting wood as the officer uses a hand held battering ram to force the door open. The officer gazes at the piles of money on the floor, he radios it in, "Uh, I may have found Derik Smith and he's got a whole lot of money stashed here, I'm going to need backup." he continues to search the house, eventually entering the bedroom, he checks under the bed that is clearly too low for anyone to get under. He then goes to the closet and opens it. He is surprised to see 2 people, one of them is Derik and the other is an unidentified female. "My name is officer Jones and you two are under arrest."

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