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Mmm.... Bro whats up with that look??? Don't look at your husband like this or he will runaway from you!

Get out of my chamber!

Aishhhh! Lan wangji! *hits shoulder* be gentle bro, be happy no BP(blood pressure)


Yaaa me?????


Fuck your husband!



Okay okay! Lan wangji come on get your temper aside and I have something to you. He took out his phone showing something. Lan wangji's attention was drawn by the top news which was about him which is hitting as the hot topic.

Hot topic- lan wangji of lan empire's marriage with jiangs daughter liyin was exchanged with the boy “Wei wuxian” who is not even the heir of there business.

Trending 🔥🔥- lan wangji's marriage with the boy. Exchange of brides. Why did they denied to marry there daughter to lans?? Is Wei wuxian is treated goodly by lan wangji?? It is unfair with lan wangji's bride exchange, is lan wangji in love with liyin??

★user - ziooxx - i think he is not love with Wei wuxian

★user- FINXXLIN- lans are just tycoons and that's why they refused there beloved daughters marriage.

★ user- ginsen- is the CEO lan wangji torturing his new husband??

Such comments were highlighted and this news were on trending. But don't know who spreads this news because there was no media on there wedding day. Is it typically a plan?? Who could do this ??

Many stocks are felling drastically from lans empire. Looking at the topic lan wangji thought something.

Jingyu! Handle this matter from now and settle it, and try to find out who is behind all of this....

okay- boss! , replied Huang JINGYU.

By the way you should hold a press conference and when are you introducing your husband with me?? , huang JINGYU teasing said it.

Lan wangji shots a glare to huang JINGYU and said, I know what to do you don't have to worry besides its none of business with you and my husband.

Oh why! You changed completely after marrying oh my god, such jealousy you fall too hard, he again said teasingly.

Aishhh! Shut up your mouth, and leave right now.

Ohhk.... But *moves towards lan wangji's ear* don't hurt him that later you will cry and beg for him which will be too late.

“I lan wangji never regrets ”, he said arrogantly.

𝕎𝕖𝕚𝕪𝕚𝕟𝕘'𝕤 𝕡𝕠𝕧
Ahh! I'm hungry so much , this lan wangji is really a jerk. He really planned to make me die from hunger, ahhhhhh.., wei wuxian who was Hungery and didn't eat anything for whole day was being all grumpy and mad on lan wangji giving his swores because there was nothing inside refrigerator, it was completely empty!...

“How foolish isn't it?”

Aishhh! This man is the CEO of lan empire isn't then , doesn't he nows that food are kept inside refrigerator or he doesn't have money for that. How foolish of it!


His stomachs grumpy.

Aigoo! My stomach ummm.... Hey little stomach I know you want something but listen here this jerk is foolish and idiotic he doesn't knows about keeping food in refrigerator.

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