Breaking Ties

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Kongpob has anticipated something like this happening the moment he started getting romantically involved with Arthit. He was his father's beloved and only son whom was once obedient and followed his father's wishes with no rebuttals whatsoever. But he was now the disobedient son who had resigned from his job and left home, and Kongpob knew Arthit's father solely blamed Kongpob for it. Without a doubt, Kongpob would soon come face to face with Arthit's father one day.

And that day was today.

''Kongpob.'' Prae enters Kongpob's office with a particularly grim expression on her face that doesn't bode good news. ''It's...P'Arthit's father. He's demanding to see you.''

There's no flicker of surprise or hesitance when Prae delivers the news, but it isn't something that's surprising to her after years of being her boss's trusted right hand person. Kongpob lowers his iPad onto the table and regards her with a calm expression, ''Send him in.''

''Are you sure?'' It's not her job to question Kongpob, but he does have a tendency of being reckless whenever Arthit is involved. ''Aim and I can stand by if you-''

 The male cuts her off with a curt shake of his head, ''No. I don't want him to feel as if we're threatened by his presence. I doubt someone of his reputation would be stupid enough to pull a gun on me in my own office.''

Prae wants to argue that Kongpob's safety is her utmost priority, but she knows better than to argue with him. ''I'll send him in.''

Prae slips out of the room and approaches the elderly male, her instincts immediately kicking in. She's ready to defend herself if he attempts to pull anything funny, but Kongpob seems to have a clear read on the male's character.

''Kongpob will see you now, Khun Tae.'' It's hard trying to maintain her professional voice when she's heard from Arthit what the other has put him through.

She can only watch as the grey-haired male stalks his way towards Kongpob's office. She deliberates over her actions for a couple of seconds and after a brief moment of hesitation, Prae pulls her phone out and taps on Arthit's contact.


Being respectful to elders was something that Kongpob's father has drilled into him since young. Although he might not necessarily like Arthit's father, he was still someone much older than Kongpob and an individual who's been in this line of work for years.

''Khun Tae.'' Kongpob greets cordially as he stands up from his chair, respectfully bringing his palms together and lowering his head slightly in a respectful greeting. ''May I pour you a drink, perhaps?''

''No need for that. Let's cut to the chase.'' The other levels his gaze with Kongpob's and it's clear that he has already formed a negative opinion about Kongpob. ''Tell me where my son is. Where are you hiding him?''

''...hiding?'' Kongpob repeats with a tone that borders on amusement. ''With all due respect, Khun Tae, P'Arthit is someone capable of making his own decisions. He's not someone that I have to hide.''

''Don't give me that nonsense.'' Clearly, Arthit's father wasn't in the mood to hold a civilized and rational conversation. ''I raised him myself and I know him. He wasn't like this before he met you. You''ve turned him into someone I don't know. Someone who kills...I spent my whole life trying to protect him from that life.''

''Are you certain that you truly know your son, Khun Tae?'' Kongpob questions, walking over to his alcohol cabinet to pour himself a (much needed) drink. ''Whatever decisions P'Arthit has made about his life, it's on his own accord. I simply provide him the support that he needs. And I'm here to walk down the path that he wishes to.''

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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