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So, il introduce this person. Her name starts with D (not saying her full name). Well just to put in context whats happening, she recently left our group out of the blue just to be shipped with some guys from the other school. And yes, just for that.

This girl really has the audacity to play the victim and say that we arent being nice or fair with her. WHAT THE F#CK!. First of all, she always talked sh1t behind my back (thanks to my group for telling me) and then puts ideas in my head. For example: She once said that M (My best friend), talked sh1t about me and didnt want to be my friend and that she was the bad one. Like the stupid girl I was in 3rd grade, I belived her but then after people started to tell me these things about her, I lost trust in her, since one time with a baby photo someone send in the group chat she made a sticker (and no I didnt tell her to do it). I was really mad but I had to let it slide. But now. Then one time happend that we had a Barbecue at her house, and then my best friend M told me she had shouted his name and told everyone that I had a crush on him. YOU LITTLE BASTARD. I was really sad and angry about the situation that I wanted to ignore her all that day after my control of gymnastics. But to be honest, who does that? I know almost everyone knew but if no one knew, I would have really looked bad infront of everyone just because of HER. Then on one of our friend's birthday she completely ignored us, we didnt tell her or did anything. Then she starts hanging out with some girls (I dont have anything agiasnt it) and even when she sees us she did not say hello or something.

And she didnt even hurt me she hurt M too. She told (this was recent) that D was looking through her stuff and her computer to look at her chats and look for her phone, now thats fucked up. And not only that, she wanted to acuse M of doing something she CLEARY DIDNT DO YOU BLIND ASS. She always talks sh1t about M behind her back and I feel bad for her since she has always been nice and fun with D, and just to talk bad about her when she always helped you and was with you? Now thats being a backstabber to the friends that supported you from the very start, thats loosing all trust in you. 

You have caused enough harm and hurt to everyone, and since youre no longer with us in the group and comepletely ignore us for idk how much time before you notice that we would never hurt you in any way possible, and when you finally stop being such a pick me and a liar.. I hope you suffer the way you did the same to me.


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