Competition D:

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So, on Wednesday, im leaving for a competition in Colombia. This is kind one the most important competitions of  the year, since its out of my country (Perú).

If I have to say a breif description on how im feeling. IM FUCKING NERVOUS. All though I have already been to a competition outside of my country, its feels like a new expirience. I have to do this all perfectly and try to beat Micaela in everything (one of my teamates of my gymnastics group). Shes really good at everything, even at my best skill, beam. Shes always so good and ever since shes joined, she's like my replacement. Suddenly, my level decreases and shes better at everything I used to be good at, she took my place. 

But, shes a really good friend of mine, but I get really jelous of her alll the time, I dont feel like Im goos enough for my coach and for my team. But, im going to make a difference this competition and hope I dont make a shitty preformance.

Ill go back to work, BYEEEE

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