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Well, this year has been a wild ride. 

I've had my ups and downs. But most of this year has been great, much MUCH better tham last year. Im really proud of how far I have gone to the point Im know. 

But there's some things that still bother me. Since, my gymnastics teacher normally changes teams, Im used to it. But next year he wont teach gymnastics to the group anymore. It really surprised me when I heard this, but on the good part, he will be teaching until march, just before classes. 

So when we were on a car trip, my parents started asking wierd questions like: ¨Do you like any sports besides gymnastics?¨ or ¨If you wouldnt do gymnastics anymore, what other sports woukd you do?¨. And to be honest, I really never thought to stop doing gymnastics, I though that maybe, instead of focusing on classes, I would get a future with this sport. But it seems like its not the case.

Well, I have to leave this short, since its a bit late. But over all this has been an amazing year with all my friends i have made along the way and friendships I still have until now.

So for now, Late Merry Christmas and Happy new year!

(Btw the second of january is my Birthday😽✨)


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