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"Y/N, Kim, a word," Jonas gestured to the two of you. "I'm gonna put Lauryn in for Kyra during the second half. I wanna see the McMewis chemistry."

"McMewis?" You mused as Kim nodded her approval. "Who came up with this ship name?"

"A bunch of people on the internet."

You gasped. "You use the internet? But you're so old!"

Jonas smirked. "According to you, I'm 'Uncle', not grandpa, so yes, I use the internet."



"Heyyyyy, Samuel," you tipped your head in acknowledgment as you grapevined past the Chelsea Striker mockingly. "How's it goin'?"

(Figured if we end the Luttle Mewis on a Chelsea game, we start the new book with a Chelsea game)

"Y/N, don't," she warned teasingly. "I will fuck you up."

"I don't think Kristie would like that very much," you stated as Jordan passed you the ball. "Neither would me teammates. Bye!"

As you sprinted towards the Blues' goal, you dodged slide tackles from your opponents with ease.

You pulled your foot back to take the shot, only to tap it backwards with your heel to an open Lauryn McCabe as Zecira Musovic dove right. "Oops!"

Lauryn easily shot the ball into the bottom-left corner, jumping into your arms enthusiastically. "You fookin' stupid arse shit passin' me the ball!"

You kissed her on the cheek as the Gunners ran towards the two of you. "Who cares if I scored or not? It's not my debut."

"You're an idiot."

"I'm your idiot."

"Yes. Yes, ye' are."


"Y/N Y/M/N Mewis!" Sam yelled in annoyance, her loud voice sounding out over the crowd at the Emirates. "If you say 'oops' one more time before scoring or assisting a goal I swear to God I will ki— just— don't!"

You placed the ball on the line next to the corner flag with an innocent blink. "I don't know what you're talking about."

As the red's whistle blew, you raised your right hand. "Oops!"



"Y/N, Lauryn, good to see you both," the pitchside interviewer greeted. "What a debut for you, Lauryn. What was it like?"

She chuckled, awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck. "It was really special. 'avin me girlfriend and sister here on the field with me was just... amazing."

"Did ye' hear that?" You interjected, an excited grin on your face. "I came before Katie!"

Lauryn whacked you on the shoulder as the interviewer laughed. "You be quiet!"

"So, we saw some great passes between the two of you," he carried on once he'd stopped chuckling. "The on-field chemistry is strong, one of the strongest connections I've ever seen. Y/N, do you think that Jonas'll use this to Arsenal's advantage?"

"I hope so," you said, squeezing your girlfriend's hand. "I like doing things with Lauryn. Even if she gets all huffy-puffy when I say stupid things."

She glared at you. "You say stupid things all the time. And I don't get 'huffy-puffy'."

"Yeah, okay," you rolled your eyes. "You're a McCabe, no one believes you."

"Yeah, and you're Y/N Mewis, no one believes you either."

"Dammit, Lauryn."

The interviewer smiled at your antics. "Young love, always a pleasure."

You groaned. "Oh my God, don't get me started on 'yOuNG lOVe'."

"YOUNG LOVE!" Lotte yelled as she sprinted behind you.



"Caitlin? Caitlin? Caity?" You bugged, tugging on the Aussie's collar repeatedly. "Caity? Callie? Callie?"

"Who the fuck is Callie?" She questioned, smacking your hand away. "And what'dya want?"


"Si'down and shut the fuck up."

"Kiiiiiim," you complained, flopping back down into your seat as the bus began moving. "Caitlin's bullyin' me."

"Okay," your co-captain said, flipping through her book nonchalantly. "That's nice."

You pouted. "Leeeeeaaaaaah—"

The Englishwoman shook her head.

You glanced at your girlfriend, who nodded and held out her hand eagerly.

Quickly, you tossed her the small water gun that you'd smuggled onto the bus, which she loaded with water from her unopened plastic bottle.

Kyra suppressed a smile as you and her watched Lauryn spray a jet of ice-cold water at an unsuspecting Caitlin Foord's neck.

"HOLY SHIT!" The Forward screeched, drawing the attention of every member on the bus. "WHO THE FUCK JUST— Y/N!"

You turned your head to face her. "What?"

Katie snickered. "For once, that wasn't Y/N."

"It actually wasn't," Jen agreed. "It sounds so wrong but it's true."

Caitlin's eyes swept over the opposite side of the bus before her gaze landed on the giggling forms of Lauryn McCabe and Kyra Cooney-Cross. "You two? Really?"

You pulled your own water gun from the compartment beside you, already filled to the top with even colder water than the one your girlfriend had shot. "Hey, Caitlin?"

Her head swiveled to face you. "Wha— AUGH!"


I be kickin my feet and gigglin

I had too much coffee earlier LMAO

Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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