They're So Pretty

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Burnout's hit me like a truck

"Y/N, you good over there?" Jordan questioned, peering over Leah's shoulder. "You seem... distracted."

You had stopped walking, gazing at an AFO'S rifle. "They're so prettyyyy."

Lauryn smacked you upside the head. "Can you stop talkin' 'bout guns the same way ye' talk 'bout me? It's weir— are yee' droolin'?"

"Pffffff... no," you argued, wiping your mouth discreetly. "And it's not weird, I'm just being appreciative."

"Fix your posture, ye' look like a grandma," your girlfriend chided, whacking you on the back and ignoring your previous statement. "There, that's better."

"I hate ye'."

"You could never."

"Yeah, I couldn't. Goddammit, Lauryn."


"I thought we said to dress semi-nicely," Kim sighed as all the zoomers on the team entered the restaurant in hoodies and sweats. "Why am I captain if no one listens to me?"

Katie snickered. "The little ones probably forgot and asked Y/N. A total homebody, that one."

"Hoi guys," you greeted cheerfully, plopping into an open seat at the adjacent empty table reserved for the Gunners. "What's everyone starin' at?"

Leah sighed, running a hand down her face as Lauryn, Kyra, Caitlin, Lotte, and few others sat down at your table. "We told you to dress nice."

You feigned offense. "We are dressed nice!"

The English captain sent you a withering glare, only deterring you for a mere second before you were back at it, full-force. "Before we left, I told Gary to swim in a circle if I was dressed nice. He swam in a circle."

Viv blinked. "You can't ask an axolotl for advice, Y/N."

"I can too!"

Kim facepalmed. "Just you wait and see, kids."


"What the hell is this?" Caitlin looked astonished, raising her glass and sniffing it. "Is this apple juice?"

Kim smirked. "You act like kids, we treat you like kids."

You sipped on the cool beverage nonchalantly. "Unlike some uncultured idiots, I actually like apple juice."

Leah waved her hand dismissively. "We already knew you were gonna be like this, so you don't count."

You frowned. "Why not?"

"You turned eighteen a couple months ago, you haven't switched to the adult mindset yet," she said. "And knowing you, you probably never will."



"Laurynnnn," you whined, gripping her wrist tiredly. "Stay."

She smiled fondly. "Babe, we've got trainin' tomorrow and I don't 'ave any clothes."

You tugged her towards your room. "Ye' can borrow some of mine, just come up and cuddle with me."

Your girlfriend shook her head in amusement. "You and yer' cuddles."

You squinted, throwing your door open carelessly before waltzing over to the cloest and tossing a t-shirt and shorts out onto the bed.

"Hurry up," you grumbled, flopping onto the bed face first. "I'm tired as shit."

"Be patient, love," she chuckled. "I've only got two hands."

It wasn't long before you felt the bed dip, strong arms wrapping around your chest and middle just the way you liked it.

"Better now?"

You sighed contentedly, drawing Lauryn's arms closer. "Much better, thank ye', lovely."

She pressed a kiss to your cheek. "Anything you wanna talk 'bout? You've always got a lot on yer' mind."

"Mhhh," you yawned, slowly relaxing in the warmth of your girlfriend. "Not really, just glad you've signed for me club."

"There was no way I was turnin' down the chance to play with me girlfriend and sister already there," Lauryn mumbled, burying her face in your hair. "But even if you two weren't 'ere, it's Arsenal, who am I to turn down their offer?"

You began to snore, nestled comfortably under the covers as Lauryn giggled lovingly. "Scary on the field, cuddle-lover at home."


"Y/N, sit," Lotte patted the spot next to her as the team piled onto the bus. "You can sit with your girlfriend another time."

You obliged, tossing your bag down onto the floor while whipping out your phone. "I don't wanna face Man City. It's weird that Sam's not there."

Jordan reached over, squeezing your shoulder sympathetically. "You'll be fine, Little Mewis."

You merely huffed, sinking down lower into your seat. "Yeah, right."


sHaDoW oF tHe FoRiNg

I'm stupid lmao

Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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