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   I stood outside the school building, watching teenagers walk out into the parking lot to their cars or to the late buses. And I should probably be joining them right about now, but I can't leave right now cause Elena is still in her art club meeting. She is the president, and unfortunately, I can't go home without her ( I wish I could. But oh well ).

  I checked the watch on my wrist. 5:15pm. Oh come on! How long was this going to take? I really have to pee. (Forget I said that people). Right then, Elena walked out of the school building, talking and laughing with one of her members. I think his name was Ricky, Rocky......

  "Alright we're ready to go" Elena said once they reached my side. "I'll talk to you later Ruben" she said and waved, to which the guy waved back with a smile. Oh, so his name is Ruben? Oh well, point taken. Just then, Ruben turned to me. "Hi Javier" he said, a slight blush on his cheeks. He was a few inches shorter than me, maybe a 5'7, with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. Anyone with eyes could tell that he had a crush on me, and I mean sure he was cute, but I didn't think of him that way, and always tried to avoid him, but the guy just wouldn't take a hint. "Hi" I smiled, and it made him blush even more, the red a sharp contrast to his pale skin.

  Elena looked at the two of us, then hit my shoulder. Hard. "Why the hell did you do that?" I winced. "Cause I can. Now come on, we have to go. I'm driving", she said, keys in her hand as she walked away. "Mean bitch" I mumbled, a hand on my shoulder. Ruben chuckled, obviously hearing my not so sweet statement.

  "So I guess I will see you around?" He asked. I smiled. The boy was probably one of the sweetest kids I know, too bad I didn't like him that way. "Sure". I said, waving at him. I walked towards the car, where Elena stands waiting for me, and we both get in, my sister starting the engine and driving away.

  I felt the breeze from my open window caress my cheek, as we passed by trees with orange leaves, some already on the ground and flying about it in the wind. Autumn is one of my favorite seasons for obvious reasons. It just looks so beautiful with it's orange and red hues.

   Elena parked the car in the driveway and I got out, getting my bag and walking into the house. Sofia and Carlos, to my surprise, were already there, watching TV. They rarely come by because of college, but always try to make time to hang out with us. Still, it was a bit of a shock to see them here. "¿Mamà ya està en casa?" Elena asked, dropping the car keys in the little basket we kept on the kitchen island. "No. No volverá hasta las 10" Carlos spoke up. It honestly made me a bit sad cause I know she has to work, but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy her coming back so late at night. But oh well, nothing I can do about it.

  I could hear the little devils ( a.k.a my little sisters ) screaming at each other with glee upstairs. Carlos probably picked them up.

  "So how was school?" Sofia asked, obviously trying to be invested in our lives. "Despresionando, como de costumbre " I sighed, replying in Spanish to her English. What? I speak the truth. "Good to know. Well, I made dinner. It's in the fridge if you want it" she said. I nodded, even if she couldn't see me  what with her attention on the show, and climbed up the stairs to my room.

   Feeling very tired and in need of a bath, I headed straight for the bathroom, taking a shower (and taking that much needed pee, as earlier mentioned). I used my lavender scented body wash, and I was quite satisfied with the calming smell that enveloped the bathroom when I was done. I took some time to apply some creams and oils to my face, [this cute face doesn't just happen], before putting on a white shirt and checkered pajama pants and crawled into bed.

  I fully intend to sleep, my eyes already felt very heavy, but unfortunately, I just had to be reminded of the unexplainable word vomit I had had the honours of spilling to Roman at the cafeteria earlier today. I groaned and hid my face in my pillow. Why the hell did I say that? I should really consider shutting up right about now. I mean, how could I say that to him! I'm pretty sure I sounded desperate! Ughhh! Well the damage has already been done and I just had to play along, it's not like I can suddenly up and cancel everything, that will make me feel like such a wimp, and I am not a wimp! My cat Cotton, who seemed to have been taking a nap on the floor, jumped onto my bed and curled herself up into a ball on my stomach. I gave her a light smile and began to scratch the fur behind her ears, earning a purr from her. "At least you don't think I'm a wimp, right?" I whispered. Cotton stared at me, then made a sound that almost resembled a huff, before prancing away. So much for that....

  Feeling slightly disheartened and disappointed in my stupid self, I picked up my phone and began scrolling through my messages. I had one from my mom, telling me that she would be back late to which I replied. Then a few messages from the group chat with my friends.

Someone help! I'm hungry😭

Make your own food

I don't know how

Sucks to be u😘

You all are mean

You're welcome darling😚

Anyway, you left us in the cafeteria after you talked to Roman. Everything alright?

Yeah I was a bit worried.

  Now that they mentioned it, I had almost forgotten about my not so cheerful predicament, until now.

I got his number. May talk to him.

May? What do you mean by may! You have to talk to him

Yeah go get him bitch!

  Could I talk to him? Won't it be weird. But technically he's the one that asked for my number. So it's all good right? Gahhhhhh!!!! Maybe I should forget about it. Yeah that's what I'll do. I quickly closed the chat with Quinn and Mirai.

  And opened a new one with Roman.

  I'm pretty stupid aren't I? Oh well


  I just fucked up didn't I? Why did I have to text him?! And what's with the emoji you idiot? He's definitely not going to reply. Why would he? How did I manage to talk myself into this? Now i've....




There is not a lot going on in this one and I don't know if this chapter makes sense. But I hope you all liked it. Your opinion means a lot to me;))). Update on Friday.

P.S. i noticed that there isn't much information on the siblings, so I plan to give out character profiles of others at the beginning of each chapter

Against all oddsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن