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*Adriana, Andrea and Ana above*
* Age: 8 *

  I got out of the car and handed the keys to Elena before walking off. I couldn't help the smile that made its way to my face and the slight spring in my steps, which Elena immediately took notice of. "What's got you so excited today dear brother? Care to share?"

  "The air just feels so.... how do I put it.. joyful today. Don't you agree?"

  "It's a Tuesday. What's so joyful about a Tuesday?"

  "You wouldn't get it dear sister".

  "I know I won't. You demented creep" Elena sighed, before walking away from me. Meh. I wasn't going to allow her sulking attitude ruin my day.

  Care to know why I'm so happy today?

  Well, it's because of the conversation I had with Roman yesterday. He was a bit standoffish, but the conversation went really well. I didn't even think he would reply, so that's progress right? But it did make me feel very weird. The good kind. My heart will quicken anytime he replied to my text, or butterflies will erupt in my stomach. Just thinking about yesterday has awoken the deep cavern of butterflies.  But nothing to worry about, these things happen anytime you talk to your friend of just 24 hours. Everything is normal.

   Hehe... Anyway, back to the story.

  I felt really happy. Like insanely happy. I really enjoyed my talk with Roman yesterday, the conversation flowed really well and we never ran out of things to talk about. It was like I've known him for years instead of just a few hours. Now I don't usually like to toot my own horn, but I can't help but pat myself on the back. Maybe the incoherent word vomit from yesterday won't blow up in my face.

  I walked over to my locker and put in the combination, opening it up and getting my books for first period. I had algebra, unfortunately. But I was so happy I couldn't care less. Nothing could spoil my mood, not even algebra.

  "Hey there fairy"

   Spoke to soon.

  I sighed heavily, already feeling my good mood pop like balloon. The frown on my face was pronounced as I closed my locker, coming face to face with Carter and his girlfriend, Summer.

  Why oh why does this have to happen today? Couldn't he like roll of the earth and disappear or something? I whined in my head. Carter Jones is basically what you call the high school bully, all brawn and no brains. Football player, playboy, homophobic, the stereotypes go on and on. He didn't really pick on me physically. He just loved to taunt me and make my life suck. Like he just wouldn't leave me alone, and I was seriously hoping that I won't meet him after the summer.

  And then there is Summer. Seriously, if you thought Carter was dumb, then Summer is an absolute nutcase. As you all have predicted, she's a cheerleader, and not going to lie, a very pretty one at that. But the girl had a brain the size of a walnut. And she was just mean for no good reason.

  I rolled my eyes at them, causing Carter to smirk. "Miss me?" He said. "No" I replied, definitely not in the mood for morning drama. Carter gasped and put a hand to his chest. "You wound me my friend" Carter said dramatically. I rolled my eyes at him. "I have to get to class".

  I made my way around him, but before I could go any further, Carter pulled me back by my shirt collar. "Where do you think you are going? Why don't we catch up? For old times sake?" "Not interested". "You're becoming feisty little fairy, guess I have to teach you a lesson".

  I stared at him, bored out of my mind from this confrontation. Seriously, was this suppose to be intimidating? !Quê broma tan enferma! I mumbled. I tried to yank his arm away from my shirt, but he tightened his grip. "For the love of all things holy, let me go you ugly pierce of shit" I said. Summer huffed. "You've got some guts you little fairy". She snarled. I rolled my eyes again. Carlos looked ready to burst, and I'm pretty sure he was trying to figure out the best way to get away with murder.

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