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  *Age: 21*

  "Adriana get down and get out!"

  "Come on Javy!!!! Please?! I'll pay you with my tooth fairy money! ¡Por favor!"

  "No Adriana. No otra vez. Out! Now!"

  Adriana huffed and blew a raspberry in my face, before stomping off to meet with her sisters. I groaned and pinched the skin between my brows.

  "You were too harsh on her Javy. Lighten up" Quinn said, her hand on cotton's belly, earning a satisfied purr from my cat. "Yeah. Just do it dude. You'll be fine" Mirai defended, playing video games on my computer.

  It was a Saturday, one week since the beginning of the semester. Quinn and Mirai had agreed to come hang out at my house, hence our current arrangement. As of now, Quinn is currently telling me about this girl she thinks has a crush on her.

  "Poor Adriana. She just wants some ice cream" Quinn cooed. Honestly, I think the only reason Quinn hangs out with me is because she thinks those little daredevils ( sorry, I meant my sisters) are adorable. I pouted. "We are not having this conversation today. Fin de la historia". "I didn't understand a word, but sure" Mirai said. I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, I'm hungry" he complained, exiting the game on my laptop. "You're always hungry" I mumbled. I looked at the Pikachu clock hanging on the wall (don't judge). It read 2:00pm. "We should probably head down for lunch" I said, much to Mirai's delight.

  Someone knocked on the door, and it opened to reveal my older brother Carlos. "Mamá dice que hay comida en la nevera si tú y tus amigos la quieren" He said. "Gracias hermano" I said, pleased that mama let us food before she left. Mirai raised his head, his eyes eager, but it was definitely not for food. Because currently, Carlos was standing in my doorway without a shirt, even though I had specifically told him to put on a shirt, for very obvious reasons.

  Carlos noticed Mirai staring and winked, closing the door behind him. The said boy turned to me, a grin plastered on his face. "You're brother will forever remain a delicious specimen in my heart" he cooed.

  "Ewww!! Not on my brother you dumb cow! I shouted at him, to which he pouted. "Oh come on, I'm pretty sure I make I lovely brother in law".

  Quinn snorted. "If you say so", she said, earning a glare from Mirai. I sighed. Mirai has had a crush on Carlos since 7th grade when he took us all to the amusement park and had gotten him his favorite ice cream flavour. We all thought it was just a phase, but clearly it's not. Carlos is aware of this, and continues to encourage it.

  "Speaking of crushes, how about you and Roman? Anything I should know about" Quinn said, wiggling her eyebrows at me. I blushed, looking down at my cat who was currently getting comfortable on my lap. "It's nothing. We're just getting to know each other. And for the record, I do not have a crush on him!" "Yeah right!" Mirai laughed. I scowled at him, but even I couldn't deny that I may have a tinny tiny crush on Roman and the thought cause my cheeks to redden even further.

  "Whatever. Let's just go eat" I said to which they both nodded. I patted Cotton on the head before standing up and heading towards the kitchen downstairs.

  When we got to the living room, Elena was on the couch, laughing at some random comedy show on TV. She turned to us as we reached the landing. "Don't burn the kitchen please" she taunted. I frowned at her. "I'm not going to cook" "Same difference" "Are you implying that I'm careless?" "Exactly hermano".

  I rolled my eyes at her. "I'm not careless" I said in a 'matter of fact' tone. "Not gonna lie. You are kind of clumsy" Mirai exclaimed, earning a laugh from Elena and a grunt from me. "Seriously dude! Whose side are you even on?!" I shouted. And without another word, Mirai pointed to my sister, Elena cackling at my demise before throwing him a kiss.

  I need new friends. All my current ones are ditching me for my siblings.

  I rolled my eyes at both of them (I seem to be doing that a lot lately). Mirai and Elena have been figuratively attached the hip since elementary school, doing every thing together. They absolutely adore each other, and I personally think that Elena is trying to kick me out of my best friend position.

  We go to the kitchen to find my sisters hunched over a plate of enchiladas on the kitchen island, their mouths stuffed. Ana turned to me and smiled, coming over to hug me. In my honest opinion, Ana was the way better triplet. She's smart, kind and way less annoying. And she had always been a bit more quiet than her two sisters. I'd probably sell the other two and keep her.

   "Mama kept enchiladas in the fridge if you want some!" She said, giggling. I patted her head in thanks before moving to the fridge, getting out the plate of enchiladas and heating it up in the microwave. Mirai grabbed the plate from my hands once it was done and the plate had cooled, then ran off to the living room, sitting on the floor next to Elena's legs. Quinn and I shared a look before shrugging and following suit. Guess we're watching TV now.

  We sat on the couch next to Elena, staring at the TV which now played a random sitcom I don't know the name of. But meh. I settled into the couch, getting comfy. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

  I turned towards Quinn, my eyes questioning. "I don't know much about your relationship with Roman, but whatever you decide to do, just know I'll support you all the way. And I'm pretty sure I speak for Mirai too" she whispered softly. I smiled at her, grateful to have such wonderful friends.

  "Thanks Q. Appreciated"


  I walk out of the bathroom towards my bed, drying my hair with a towel before jumping into bed. I was beyond exhausted and ready to fall asleep when my phone pinged.

  I picked it up from my bedside table to find a message from Roman.


  I smiled at the text. Over the past few days, Roman and I made a habit of texting each other goodnight before bed, and it had slowly become some sort of routine for us. It was a big leap in our growing friendship and I felt all giddy and warm inside that he was willing to give our friendship a shot.

Goodnight Roman.

  Needless to say, I had a pretty satisfied sleep that night.


Hello!!! I'm so sorry for not getting a chapter in last week, had a little issue. But it's resolved now and to make up for it, here's a little double update.

Bye lovelies.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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