I love you scara..

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-kazuhas pov-

*months go by and graduation comes closer and closer each day*

"- Heizou I don't know what I'm doing wrong.. he throws out everything I make and give him.. maybe I'm trying way too hard
"- I would be able to help you if somebody told me who his crush was although I'm kind of pinpointing it down to someone I think might be him
"- stop trying to find out who he is Heizou! I'll tell you when I'm ready.. but for now I don't think I am
"- whatever.. okay fine but you better..

*all of a sudden a bunch of students surround kazuha*
(Basically everyone screaming)
"- NO ITS ME!!
"- guys calm down a little bit.. we don't have to fight

*the students start pushing and fighting.. who really is this person who kazuha likes..? Everyone's questioning it and hopes that its them*

"- Heizou i don't feel so comfortable right now.. can we go
"- yeah of course let's go, no worries I got you
"- thank you. I appreciate it

*out in the park with cherry blossoms surrounding them they sit by the lake*
"- I'm not sure I understand at all.. why is it always me..? Why can't I be just a normal person with a normal life that if I have a crush it's okay and normal without anybody fighting over me.. why'd I turn out this way..
"- kazuha.. don't stress about it too much okay..? I'm here for you if you need anyone at all to talk to or if you need a shoulder to lean on
"- thank you Heizou.. I appreciate it so much.. I think I'll tell you who he is
"- oh my god!! Ahhshsjsjjjhhh!! Reallly?!? Stop it I can't wait!!
"- haha calm down I'll tell you.. it's scaramouche.. I love the way he smiles and his hair.. he's perfect.. I love him so much.. I adore him and his cute face.. I think about him all day and I can just talk about him all day.. my heart hurts sometimes and I don't know why but I know that he's the one.. stop it i get this feeling whenever I'm around him and just the mention of him makes me go crazy.. I love him so much I can't even say every single thing I love about him because there's too many that I'll never find the last reason because well.. he's perfect..
"- stop it you two are so cute I can tell how much you love him and I just can't wait until you two are together..
"- ahh thank you so much heizou I don't know how I can't live without him..

* in the corner of their eyes they see Mona and scara holding hands as best friends but kazuha gets the wrong idea out of it*

"- wait.. is that Mona and scara..? their holding hands while walking.. you know what heizou? I think I need to go my mom just texted me
"- wait kazuha come back!

*but before Heizou even finished his sentence kazuha left*

(In kazuhas room)

* he sits inside the sheets and starts crying (his thoughts now) I'm so stupid obviously he's not gay.. I should have known he liked her.. he's with her everyday why didn't I think that.. I was so dumb to imagine us together forever.. happy where nobody else bothered us.. just me and him alone.. why did I even think we would get married that's so stupid kazuha.. I hate myself.. I got attached to him so much.. and those things I thought about him. If I ever said it to him I think he would just drop me completely I'm such a fool.. why would he ever like someone like me..? We are completely different from each other.. our personalities down to the way we dress.. and I still didn't think he wouldn't like me.. of course he likes Mona.. she dresses pretty and looks cute. I hate myself (stop his thoughts) it starts pouring outside as kazuha hears a knock on his door, he hesitates to answer because he can't stop crying but does it anyway to find heixou*

"- oh it's you.. I'm sorry for leaving you but I'm kind of a mess right now. Maybe you should come back later
"- no no I got the perfect plan ready..
"- huh..? What plan?

*kazuha stares at heizou while tears flow down his face*

"- the plan is we are going to make him jealous. First of all you should get closer to me and be a bit more touchy. Secondly we know he goes to the band room every 4th period to hang out so how about we get there before him and that's where the action starts. we get close and when he comes in I say I like you, you like me back and then we kiss.
"- what..? Heizou I'm not sure I'm very comfortable with this.. besides what if he gets uncomfortable and sad..?
"- kazuha. Look at me, you're the sweetest  person ever and nobody makes you cry. Got it? We're doing this and I hope he regrets every decision he's ever made that will affect you. Understand?
"- I understand..


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