but ive been by your side

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-Heizou's pov-

(Both kazuha and Heizou at the same time)
"- I have something to tell you!
"-woah what a coincidence, you go first zuha
"- no no you go
"- stop go first!!
"- okay so since I've liked scara for such a long time, after he left for weeks I decided to go talk to him and found out he liked me too!! Isn't it just perfect..?
"- oh..
"- yeah!! Okay now you go
"- it's nothing important at all, forget it
"- tell me.
"-can't you see..? Isn't it obvious? I LIKE YOU KAZUHA.. all this time I've liked you.. why him..? but why him..? I've been by your side this whole time not scaramouche. I have, all those hints I've dropped and the texts, my body language. Why is it always him..?
"- heizou.. I didn't think you felt this way about me.. but you still helped me with him.. I don't know what to say.
"- forget it I'm leaving.
"- Heizou wait..!!

*Heizou ignores his best friend and walks away upset. The one he thought was his very love, but he thought wrong.*

"- hey hutao!
"- oh hey Heizou what's up?
"- I have something really important to tell you, did you know that scaramouche was actually abandoned by his mom because he was a failure and his mom thought so too but you didn't hear it from me, got it?
"- stop this is so funny I got it!

*lots of rumors about scara start spreading like crazy that included anything and everything bad*

-kazuhas pov-

"- Heizou can we talk?
"- yeah! okay sure!! what do you need Zuha?
"- hold on give me a second

*kazuha runs off to meet up with his boyfriend*

"- hey.. I don't think I should stop being friends with him and to confront him
"- what.. what do you mean? What changed your mind..? Kazuha are you kidding me?
"- I just.. I don't think it's worth losing Heizou.. he's my best friend and he's been there for me I can't..
"- are you fucking kidding me. okay I see how it is. Is it me or him?
"- what..? Scara you know I can't pick.. he's my best friend I don't understand why I can't choose both
"- why you can't choose both..? So if you really have to make a decision and think about it I'm done.
"- I.. please.. don't do this scara
"- so is it me or is it him.
"- I don't think I can do this.. give me some time to think. I think we should take a break for now
"- are you serious? wow fine then.

*kazuha watched as scara left. I could make the decision and it was obvious that I'd pick scara over anyone.. so why was it so hard to say it and actually do it..? did I like Heizou..or do I..?*

-scaras pov-

*scara walked home and met his mom on the way*
"- oh hey ei
"- it's mom. And by the way, I found a beautiful girl who will be your girlfriend and marry you
"- what. no mom I'm dating someone
"- oh? who is she
"- it's a he and it's kazuha
"- kazuha? you can't date him.. he's a boy and he's.. oh scara why wont you understand..?
"- .. I don't understand.. I love him though
"- you either get out of my house and be a failure or you date the girl I picked and I'll consider you successful
"- well then I'll be a failure I guess. Have a good life ei

*kazuha runs up to scara panting*
"- princess wait!
"- oh what do you want..
"- look I'm really sorry. I just couldn't get it out and I know I'd pick you over anybody in the entire world but I just wasn't feeling myself.. I love you.
"- stop it, it's okay.. whatever I guess.
"- thank you..

(2 hours before)

-kazuhas pov-
"- Heizou.
"- yeah zuha?
"- I'm dropping you.
"- what..?
"- lets not be friends anymore.
"- stop it, is this about that pathetic bowl cut bitch?
"- id pick scara over you any day. Fuck off heizou

(back in the present!! still kazuhas pov by the way)

"- scara let's go!
"- wait! Kazuha watch out..!

*the fast car hits kazuha in his stomach directly. He falls down on the floor and slowly his eyes close. Scara rushes over crying*

"- oh my fucking god why weren't you more careful dumbass! Wake up! This has to be a fucking dream.. nononono! GOD THE FUCKING AMBULANCE

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