The perfect story..?

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-scaramouches pov-
*it's fourth period.. I guess I'll head to the band room I guess..*

"- hey scarapookie!! Where you going?
"- oh hey Mona, I was just heading to the band room. I do every single day
"- oh okay I guess I'll see you later!!
"- okay bye!

*upon entering his room he hears these very words*

"- kazuha.. I like you a lot
"- heizou.. I like you too

*a kiss proceeds to happen between Heizou and kazuha*

*scaramouche stops completely and stares at the two boys and as fast as he came he left and after walking fifteen minutes he collapsed on his bed. He felt like his heart broke into a million pieces. Loud sobs can be heard even from outside his house. His heart hurt so bad and he couldn't stop crying. Why did love have to be so hard he thought? So many thoughts spiraled in his head wondering why he thought someone as lovely and kind as kazuha would like someone like him. At that point all scara wanted to do was to kill himself to stop the pain*

-kazuhas pov-
"- I saw it.. the same expressionless face.. he doesn't care at all.. now we know for sure he definitely does like Mona.. or it could be some other person..

-scaramouches pov-
(It's snowing because I said so.)
*the soft white snow outside.. scaras room is freezing cold as the soft cold breeze hits his skin. The tears won't stop and scaras just in his room on the bed crying and thinking. not being able to focus on anything except for kazuha.. the person he loves but also broke his heart quite literally.. he can't stop thinking. it's as if he can't do anything but sit there and cry. The school day isn't even over and he's skipping but he could care less about some stupid place he has to be. the notifications on his phone won't stop coming. Curious but he doesn't take a look. (Scara doesn't go to school for two weeks and he can't stop stressing about what to do next)

*the first day back after what happened.. he feels as if he'll start crying once he sees kazuha. He enters the classroom late. Just perfect, all eyes are on him as he takes a seat in the back*

*at the end of class scara can't help but turn and run out to the side by the benches with still heavy snow as kazuha follows him out until he hears scara talking to himself*

"- why'd I think it was actually a good idea to come back.. it hurts so bad.. why'd I actually think kazuha would like me back I'm so fucking stupid I wish I could die right now.. obviously he likes heizou..
"- scara..?
"- oh my god. I'm so sorry I hope you didn't hear anything i can't talk right now sorry.
"- no wait look. This is all my fault let me explain. I really like you scara. There isn't one thing or anything that could stop my feelings for you. When I first told Heizou about everything I saw you and Mona holding hands which I thought you two were together. Heizou got mad and tried to do the so called plan which was trying to make you jealous and I feel like it went too far. I missed you so much and if there was anything I would say is sorry. I thought you didn't like me because well all those gifts and desserts I made for you went right in the trash.

"- okay.. it's my turn to say I'm sorry and to start this is my part of it. I honestly hate sweets and I can't stand them. I'm really sorry it made you feel that way. If anything I love you like crazy. I would tell Mona everything and I love you so much.. I don't even know how much I said I love you but I really do. You're perfect, kind and sweet. Literally everything I could ever want. Stop it you're beautiful and perfect I would hold you in my arms. You're precious kazu.. I love you so much..

*a few months later*

-kazuhas pov-
"- Hii princess! I have something for you~
"- oh? You do..? let's be honest kazu.. what else would I want if I have you? You're perfect and enough I love you so much darling
"- stop it you're so sweet.. thank you I love you more.. but it's a gift.. wont you accept it for me..?
"- okay.. but whatever it is, I'm sure I'll love it

*kazuha hands over a box with holes and as scara opens it he finds a cat that looks so similar to him*

"- kazu.. you didn't.. stop it oh my god it's perfect I love it oh my god I can't even speak properly rifth now, is this really for me..?
"- stop it.. of course it is love, you deserve it.

*kazuha leans in and gives him a kiss*
"- I love you scara.. I hope our relationship never ends..

*the two sit there quietly holding hands, hoping that this very moment would never have to end, because that's what they hoped for anyway..*


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