Operator Defender: Shielder (Mash Kyrielight)

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Operator Defender: Shielder (Mash Kyrielight)


Real Name: Mash Kyrielight

Handle: Shielder

File Number: MS002

Internal name: Brava_Kohai_3


Gender: Female

Age: 18 years old biologically, 21 years old chronologically (Yes, he understands that she is Arkan Bloodedge's Kohai)

Experience: 3 years

Place of Birth: Chaldea (Location unknown but we know it is eternally surrounded by ice and snow. Maybe it is from Sami?)

Date of Birth: July 25

Race: ? (Some say she is a Wolf who hides her traits with the Arts, but some have heard Mash call herself a Demi-Servant or Designer Baby.)

Height: 158cm

Infection status: Non-infected as confirmed by medical report.

Group: Black Cabal

Affiliation: Chaldea, Arkan Bloodedge


Strength: Excellent

Mobility: Excellent

Endurance: Outstanding

Tactical Acumen: Standard

Combat Skill: Excellent

Arts Adaptability: Standard


- Arkan Bloodedge

- Witch of Luxuria

- Witch of Wrath

- Witch of Superbia

- Witch of Gula

- Witch of Envy

- Witch of Avaritia

- Witch of Acedia

- Rulers

- Saber

- Archer

- Lancer

- Caster

- Rider

- Assassin

- Berserker


Number of stars: SIX

Tags: DPS, Defense

Archetype: Normal/Protector

Operator Description: Shielder is part of the Black Cabal. She is a knight girl with an unshakable will, an absolute defense and a kind heart. Her mission is to stand by Arkan Bloodedge and protect him from harm. Therefore she joined Rhodes Island to continue her duty of being the Ultimate Shield.

Operator Quote: I am Shielder, I will be your shield and protect you from all harm. Now, I'm the Senpai who protects her Kohai.


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