Chapter 4 : Maryam

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Chapter 4 : Maryam

"How do you know his name Maryam?"

"Raza Sahab was the one who helped her arrange the surprise they might have shared their names then"

one of the guys chimed in.

The topic was closed then and there and everyone started talking within themselves.

If someone could check my pulse right now, I would have been caught. I am not sure if I am surprised or actually shocked. When I got his number from one of his friends, we didn't introduce each other, I just told him, 'I am his friend's fiance's sister' and I want to surprise both of them. He never mentioned his name.

Of course if he would have known it's me we would have had a whole different rapport by now, but he was always quiet and obedient. He never crossed any lines, even when we were acquaintances.

Mustafa and I knew each other but we never had a deep friendship of sorts. We worked in the college cultural committee. He was the event planner and I was the creative head. The only conversations we had were related to the events and preparations.

If you could see our history, it would be majorly him listening to me complain about his absurd deadlines,


Aapa snapped at me.

"Where are you lost?" do you know what even happened at the house today? I'll tell you later, first tell me how's Amma, Abba are they well? where are they?"

I pointed in their direction as they were already making their way towards us.

I excused everyone and went to get myself some water. I feel so weird for not having anything to do. I have been handing all the functions, arrangements, planning, decorations but now I just I have to sit back and enjoy? I mean how do you do that?

"Why are you looking so worried, princess? Are you looking for me?"

His voice makes me want to chop my ears off.

"Faisal, even if you were the last man on the planet, Wallahi, I would rather turn blind than look for you."

Someone cleared their throat.

It was Mustafa.

He was so shy back in the days, that now when I see him having conversations with people with so much confidence it baffles me. People do change over time.

"Everything alright here?"

I nodded while Faisal was shocked.

"Are you Raza Sahab? I am Faisal, Aapa's cousin."

He should call Mustafa, Raza Sahab only. But I know for a fact that Faisal will cling to him like a jellyfish, and I don't have enough power here to save Mustafa from this creature. I think he can handle himself. 

"Yes this is our cousin, why don't you guys talk, I will check if Aapa needs something."

Both of them nodded and I skipped a step only to turn and warn Mustafa about Faisal. He gave me a glance and I just silently mouthed a big No and shook my head, to which he gave me a small smile signaling that he understood and I left.

It is so weird to have Mustafa here in Aapa's Walima. Him casually sweeping and asking if everything's alright, him smiling at me as if there is no history among us. Now when I am thinking about him, it almost looked like he was about to start a conversation with me. How do you react to finding a long lost friend at your family function?

I am sitting next to Aapa while all of her relatives greet her with smiles and gifts. Not doing anything is equally or probably far more exhausting than doing anything at all.

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