Chapter 5 : Maryam

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I reached their Office 15 minutes early to our scheduled meeting. I have checked their websites, their list of requirements, my ideas and more ideas that can be discussed and the probability of taking a different route that will increase the cost of this project. Cascade Capital has a huge entrance with a half hearted art piece hanging in the middle and an art piece hugs the wall behind the reception in a way that I can't differentiate between both of them. No wonder they need to level up their interiors.

As I was scrutinizing the entire place, a lady approached me with the most corporate smile attached on her face. I think she just removes it the moment she leaves the premises.

Don't judge a book by its cover Maryam, you never know she might be the sweetest person in this entire building.

"Ms Maryam?"

I smiled and nodded.

"Hello ma'am, My name is Shweta, the team is waiting for you upstairs, please come."

The enthusiasm in her voice wasn't fake so far, she was genuinely sweet and kind. I hope the rest of the team is kind.

I followed her and we went to the 25th floor. Everything about this place was huge, the halls, the offices, gray carpeted flooring. Their interior looked so well maintained, then how come someone messed up their reception? I had a lot of questions running in my head. Shweta was leading me towards what looked like a conference room.

I took a deep breath and followed her inside while reciting Bismillah.

Around 10 people were present in the room. Everyone was dressed in black suits. I don't think I can pinpoint a single crease on their shirts. where as I took a chance and dressed in a black blazer and paired with a black hijab. I draped it in a way where it won't bother me much while moving. None of them gave me a judgmental look except for one. I caught that man scanning me head to toe. well I can't blame him much, people are super judgemental these days, I mean I was judging shweta a while back. An old man almost Abba's age pointed towards a chair so I took a seat.

"Good evening Miss Maryam, how are you doing?"

"Good evening sir, Alhamdulillah I am doing very well.." His smile deepened at my reply.

" My name is Pravin Shah and I am the Leader of this project. Without wasting any more time, You already know that we have approached multiple independent artists for this project, but you were the only one who acknowledged our proposal in such a short span of time. Keeping your previous artworks in mind we have given you a list of our demands. You see, we have had some bad experiences with some very well known and well trusted interior designers and artists. We do not want to fall into another trap, so please be ready with your presentation and prospects."

Mr Shah was on point, he meant business and this is exactly how you build an empire.

I nodded and opened my laptop with Bismillah .

As I started my presentation, none of their facial expressions faltered, they had the same boring expression. No one was interested in my prospect until I reached the reception area and talked about the installation. That's when Mr.Shah sat up straight. After that every painting, artwork, and installation received an attentive audience.

I completed my presentation and the lights were on again. The room was eerily quiet.   

Ms Maryam. Please give us 10 minutes and we will get back to you.

I nodded and sat outside. I kept reciting a verse of the Quran to feel at peace, to keep the anxiety at bay. 10 minutes turned to 15, and I was still waiting for them to call me. I kept reciting a dua, walking back to my presentation, remembering various parts, where I could have explored more ideas, before selecting the ones that I did. I prayed for the best outcomes for the both of us.

Shweta entered the waiting area and signaled me to come inside.

"it's good news"

she whispered as we stepped in the conference room.

"sorry for the delay, please have a seat Ms.Maryam,"

"We want to sign this contract with you, but we do have a few conditions before we go ahead with it.

I nodded asking him to proceed.

" you have to get everything done within 4 months. from the reception installations, to the conference room. and the CEO's cabin as well. We also need a detailed presentation and report about every single item used in this project. We need a weekly update on your progress and about the payment, we are ready to pay you 20 Lakhs for this entire project. "

Okay what now. This might be the biggest project of my life.

" Another thing, We want you to do a double take on the conference room artwork, and get back to us within this week. so we can confirm and you can start the work."

I took the offer and signed the deal. Everyone introduced themselves, Mr Shah was the leader of this team, under him there was Dev, Kunal and Gaurav, Sneh, Kaushal, Siddharth and some other members.

Thankfully I was supposed to coordinate with Shweta and Mr Shah. For the payment I will be receiving updates from Kunal. He is the same guy who has been judging me from the very beginning. I smiled at him when I introduced myself, but he just snarled at me and stayed silent.

We discussed the rest of their requirements, and they assured me that the contract will get ready within 2 days. I smiled at everyone, Mr Shah wished me good luck and we parted ways.

Everything was overwhelming. I never thought I would land a project this big. Of Course it is a lot of responsibility, the pressure is quite high and I need to be the absolute best with my work for this will give my career a new turn. I kept thinking about it until I reached the reception. I was about to exit the building, I just turned around. To acknowledge this reality, this dream that I dreamt years ago, as I picked my art supplies in the hopes of creating something worthwhile, making people ponder over my art, to have thoughts they never had before. A small smile of contentment crept on my lips and I left the building.

I was late for the sunset. So I decided to call Aapa and reach Marine Drive directly.

She told me she was getting late as well, So I decided I'll go ahead and both of them can join me later.

The traffic was insane. Only two things can test my patience to this extent. Faisal and Mumbai's traffic.

I reached Marine Drive at 8 pm. No sunset with half of Mumbai present at my arrival.

I called Aapa, and she said she and Omar bhai are at Nariman point. So I found an empty spot and sat there with my thoughts aligned.

Sometimes life can run so fast that you just can't comprehend its speed let alone the scenery or the destination. you are just taking a breather and the next thing you are traveling again. First it was graduation, then freelancing, Aapa's engagement, her wedding and now this project. It was as if the last 5 years went by and all I did was watch the time slip through my hands.

I was still in a trance when a tea vendor arrived.

I called out to him

"bhaiya ek chai" ( one cup of tea please )

Another man echoed the order. I looked up and it's him.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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