~The letter~

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My aunt's name was written on the letter. She was my late mother's sister and apparently she had written a letter. It was not addressed to me but to my mother.

~To my beloved sister:
Now you are an angel and flying high in the sky. You had to go far away from here.You are so far away and yet so close. It hurts my heart that I have to say goodbye to you forever.Even if things didn't always go well between us, I want you to know that I love you more than anything else. I'm sorry that your daughter is alone now...Please take good care of her and help her get everything done.I know exactly that she needs help...And maybe one day we will see each other again.Rest in peace sister.

I stared into the void with tears in my eyes. I hadn't really been able to cope with it all..
My heart ached just like my body and I was helpless. I felt so alone... So alone and unloved.

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