End it off with a high note

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O/n = Object name

F/i = Favorite Instrument

A bit of exposition: Your best friend is Bubble, and she convinced you to move into Goiky.

Types of POVs' to be used: Marker's POV, Reader's POV, Third Person Omniscient.

Now, Let's get right into it!

(Third Person Omniscient)

You had just moved to Goiky an 2 days ago, and you can't wait to enjoy the dawn of a new season, feeling autumn air pleasantly, when you notice a purple marker watch you from the distance. You look at them, but once you blink, they've gone, and you start to look for them.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" You search profusely, not understanding if you've gone crazy, or you're hallucinating, but you are determined!... well, for about 10 minutes at least. You just head to you're new house to get a feeling for the place.

You discover about a dark and creepy basement, planning to paint it eventually. You keep searching and find the room you'll call yours. You are about to move a couple of boxes when you hear a very light knock on your door, if you were making noise, it might even have been inaudible, but you go to the door.

When you get to the door, you twist open the doorknob, and you're greeted by the same purple marker as before, and almost immediately yells, "Hi!!"

"Gah! Oh, sorry, you scared me there," you state, clearly confused on how the marker found you. You just wave and he takes a little peek inside of your house, and smiles.

"You're house looks really cool!" The marker just complimented your house, and you feel grateful. You decide to open your mouth and say, "Hey, would you like to come in? I really don't mind, I'm just setting some stuff here and there."

You see his face gleam with excitement as he smiles and nods quickly. You leave the door wide open for him to come inside, and he walks inside. He looks around the walls in awe, and he asks you a question.

"Is it okay if I take a seat?"

You nod your head approvingly, and he sits down on one of the chairs, his legs moving back and forth. You head to the kitchen and grab two glasses, pouring water into each glass, and hand him one. He takes sips as you start to 'interrogate' him.

"So, what's your name?"

He replies very calmly, "Well, my name's Marker. I don't know if you would've guessed, but I'm 17."

You start to look at him confusedly, in your mind, you think, <How is a guy 17, and THIS CHILDISH AT THE SAMETIME??>

You don't realize that you are stuck in your thoughts, and Marker snaps you out. "O-Oh, sorry. I haven't told you my name, haven't I? Heh... well my name is O/n, and I'm 17 as well."

Marker smiles and looks at you, before taking another sip of the water. He puts the glass down, and you two chat for a bit. The two of you lose track of time, and after hours of talking, they realize that it's 10:03 P.M. at night. You check the time eventually and notice, your eyes widen.

"Hey, it's pretty late out. Do you have a curfew or something?" Marker shakes his head, but he still gets his bag, when he realizes a(n) F/i near the front door.

"Ooh, what's that? Is that a(n) F/i?" He looks at you in amazement, clearly fascinated by the instrument in your house.

You nod and ask if he'd like to hear some music. He gives you a thumbs up, and you play a mild piece of music, and the song ends an octave higher. He claps for you and smiles once more, clearly amazed with your 'talent'. He places his bag on his back and waves at you before heading out.

As he walks on the side walk, he looks back at you and smiles one final time before walking once more.

Even though he has already turned around, you give him a warm, gently smile.

(648 words)

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