Tomfoolery Ensues

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(O/n's POV)

I was sleeping peacefully in my bed, and was deep in sleep. I get up, half asleep to see my phone ring, and It's from Bubble, probably checking to see if I'm doing good here in Goiky. I accept the call and Bubble immediately starts screaming into the phone.

"O/N, O/N, O/N, O/N, O/N!!!" I hold my ears tight and groan into the phone.

"Jesus Christ, Bubble, can you stop screaming?!" She calms down a bit, but still sounds extremely excited.

"O/n!! I need you to head over to my location right now! And... there! I sent to you! Please come here now!!"

"Bubble, give me a bit. I'm still so sleepy.. just wait for a bit." Bubble sighs and understands, and hangs up the call shortly. I go back to sleep and chill out in my bed... for about two seconds before the door is bombarded with many knocks. I get up in annoyance and walk to the door, and before I see who's there, I start talking.

"Listen, I don't now who you are, but I'm too tired for-" I open my eyes and Marker is right in front of me. He waves gently and he smiles softly.

"Hi, O/n! I came back to see how you were doing!"

"Oh, hello there, Marker.. I was just sleeping. You can come in if you like.. it's getting close to winter, It might be a bit chilly out." 

Marker walks in and sits down on the couch. He gets back on the couch so that his feet are off the ground and his legs dangle back and forth from it's original position. I grab the TV remote and toss it to him. "Help yourself, you'll figure out how to use it. If you need the kitchen, it's over there. and the bathroom is up the stairs around the corner." I walk back to my room after seeing his smile once more, seeing him act in such a playful way made me smile respectively. I get in my bed and sleep for around an hour or so and hold the sheets tight, a bit too lazy to get up and turn on the heater.

(Marker's POV)

I grabbed the TV remote and started going through the applications on the Television, and start watching a funny comedy. I giggled the whole time, and burst out laughing at the end. O/n comes in a bit tired and walks to the kitchen to grab some coffee. They wave gently and sit on the couch.

"Marker, how've ya been since I went back to bed? Did everything meet your expectations?"

"Yes! I had so much fun!"

They give me gentle smile and continue watching some TV.

(O/n's POV)

I look at him and smile, and he watches the TV intently. I take a sip of coffee and watch what he's watching.

Once it finishes, he smiles widely, and gets up. Almost immediately, he starts running around the whole house and giggling. You feel a bit tired to stop him, and just leave him be. But boy, that was a big mistake. He yells happily "THAT WAS SO GOOD!" and keeps running, probably disturbing the neighbors. I tried settling him down, but he keeps running. After around an hour of this, I get up and yell,


He stops running and stares at me.

"...Marker. Can you please calm down for 2 seconds?"

He stops running and heads to the couch, a bit sad. I start feeling a bit bad, and speak up.

"I'm sorry Marker.. please settle down."

After I say this, he looks sad, but less sad. He watches some more TV until around 10:00 PM, starting to feel better and gets happy once more. After a bit more time, he gets up and he waves goodbye.

"Goodbye, O/n! See you soon!"

I wave back with a smile. My phone rings shortly afterwards, and I look down to see 2763 missed calls by Bubble?! I pick up nervously and she screams-


(645 words) 

cliffhanger because yess

i doubt anyone is enjoying this fanfic other than like one person

but if you did like it (i highly doubt it)

then just idk wait so byeee

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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